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11 alternative ways to recycle pasta cooking water

Do you know that there are so many ways to recycle pasta cooking water? From the uses in the kitchen to those for the home, up to those for beauty and well-being. Here are the ways to use it again after cooking.


Do you know that there are so many ways to recycle pasta cooking water? From the uses in the kitchen to those for the home, up to those for beauty and well-being. Here are the ways to use it again after cooking.

So, how to use pasta cooking water? Let’s discover all the alternative ways of recycling pasta cooking water, so as to avoid waste and learn new ways to use it.

Use in the kitchen


Pasta cooking water can be used to dilute condiments: the pasta cooking water can be used to dilute the too dense condiments as it can sometimes happen for the pesto. By diluting it with a little hot pasta cooking water, it will be easier to season our dishes.

Pasta cooking water can be used to make broth: In this case, it will be necessary to add aromatic herbs to the pasta cooking water to prepare delicious soups. If the water is already salty avoid adding more salt and do not add bouillon cube that would make the broth too salty.


Pasta cooking water can be used to steam vegetables: the pasta cooking water can also be used to steam vegetables, simply placing the basket on the pot and inserting the vegetables we want to prepare that will keep their nutritional value intact.


Pasta cooking water can be used to prepare pizza: if you want to prepare a pizza or bread, you can use the pasta cooking water, thus avoiding adding salt.

Pasta cooking water can be used to soak legumes: pasta cooking water, especially the slightly salted water, can be used to soak dried vegetables: beans, chickpeas, lentils, to which you can add a few bay leaves to make them more digestible.


Pasta cooking water can be used to drink: pasta cooking water can become a nutritious beverage. Let it cool in the refrigerator and add a bit of maple syrup before consuming it.

Uses at home


Pasta cooking water can be used to wash dishes: the water we use to cook pasta can be recycled to wash dishes, cutlery, glasses and crockery. Being hot, in fact, it helps to remove fats and encrustations. Leave the dishes to soak for a few minutes before placing them in the dishwasher or hand-washing them.

Pasta cooking water can be used to water the plants: the pasta cooking water, especially if you have used very little salt, can be used to water the plants, the garden or the vegetable garden. Just let it cool and put it in a watering can.


Pasta cooking water can be used to make salt dough: you can also use pasta cooking water to prepare salt dough to create decorations and DIY items in an economical way and, in this way, without even wasting water.

Uses for personal hygiene


Pasta cooking water can be used to make an hair compress: the pasta cooking water is rich in mineral salts and starch, which will be very useful to create a compress to be applied to the hair before shampooing. Just let it act for a quarter of an hour before washing your hair to have it soft.

Pasta cooking water can be used to have a foot bath: pasta cooking water has emollient properties thanks to the presence of starch. It can therefore be used for a refreshing and relaxing evening foot bath. It will be necessary to add drops of essential oil of lavender and eucalyptus to give immediate relief to the legs and feet at the end of a stressful day.

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