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Food Safety: A Simplified Guide To Defrosting Fish Properly

The best way to keep fish fresh for long periods is by freezing. Freezing fish makes everything so easy since fresh fish don't keep well at room temperature. With the advent of storage technologies, fresh fish are now kept at peak freshness for longer than usual through flash freezing. However, knowing the proper ways to defrost fish is just as important if you want to enjoy your meal.

By Cookist

There are various ways to preserve fish but freezing takes the cake because it is very easy to do and helps keep them in their fresh state for as long as possible. However, you require proper know-how to defrost fish; the method must be hygienic and also keep the fish intact.

The greatest concern when defrosting fish is how to stave off the growth of bacteria that pose danger to human health. Thus, the key recommendation is that defrosting fish should only be done at low temperatures like inside a refrigerator or a tub of cold water.

Defrosting Fish in a Refrigerator


Your refrigerator is your best bet when defrosting fish as it provides temperatures that are higher than that of a freezer but just low enough to prevent the growth of bacteria.

To use this method, all you have to do is transfer the fish, which must be tightly sealed, from your freezer to the refrigerator. Let it sit there overnight and you'll have fresh fish ready for breakfast the next day!

If you forget to transfer the fish the previous night then it might be hard to get away with this technique unless the fish is already cut into thin slices.

Defrosting Fish in Cold Water


This method takes shorter time to work than the previous but it requires more attention. Again, ensure that the fish is enclosed in a tightly-sealed bag then place it in a bowl filled with cold water.

Remember, the water has to be cold to keep away germs that can cause food poisoning. So, you'll have to constantly change the water when you notice that it's going back to room temperature.

This method takes about 20 to 30 minutes to work. Once fully thawed, remove the fish from sealed packaging, rinse and then tap it dry with paper towels.

Tip: ensure the water won't get into the packaging or the fish will become waterlogged making the cooking process harder than it should be.

Incorrect Ways of Thawing Fish 


Any defrosting technique that doesn't happen within a cold environment is a big NO as it exposes you and your loved ones to potentially harmful germs. Some of these improper methods include:

  • Thawing the fish on your kitchen countertop and at room temperature.
  • Using a microwave
  • Thawing in warm water

Remember, your health is much more important than getting that meal ready in 15 minutes!

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