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Gazpacho: the fast, easy Andalucian recipe for a classic chilled tomato soup

Total time: 15 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 6 people
By Cookist


ripe roma tomatoes
2 pounds
Small cucumber
Red bell pepper
small red onion, peeled
small garlic cloves, peeled
Olive oil
3 tbsp
sherry vinegar
2 tbsp
salt and pepper to taste
Ground cumin
1/2 tsp
1 thick slice

When summer arrives, and it's searingly hot outside, the desire to cook can sometimes evaporate quicker than a puddle under the midday sun. If you don't want to slave away over a hot stove in the height of summer, but still want to eat a fantastic meal, why not try whipping up some gazpacho?

This phenomenal Spanish gazpacho recipe is ideal for cooling down during the summer and making the most of in-season tomatoes. The chilled tomato soup hails from Andalucia, where it's enjoyed as a delicious, healthy way to cool down when the mercury rises. With its bold, tangy flavor and smooth texture, a bowl of Spanish gazpacho will hit the spot. To make it you just need ripe, fresh tomatoes, summer vegetables, an onions and a cucumber.

What is Gazpacho?

If you've never had gazpacho, prepare to be wowed. Gazpacho is a tasty cold soup made from raw blended vegetables and spices. The dish is a specialty of Andalucia, Spain, where people enjoy it as a refreshing, delicious way to cool down during the hot summers.

It can be made smooth or a little chunky, with traditional versions being slightly chunkier. There are many variations of gazpacho, so you can experiment with different ingredients to discover what you enjoy the most!

Gazpacho Origins

The origin of the Spanish term gazpacho derives from kasâpu which means "to shatter" because of the stale bread crushed in the mix. According to others, the term is not Akkadian but it comes from the Hellenic kykeon, a very refreshing drink of water and wine. Only in the 8th century, with the invasion of the Arabs and the spread of Islam, were added olive oil and salt. Vegetables were added only in the 12th century, giving life to the recipe that we still prepare today.

Spanish Gazpacho Ingredients

As we just touched on, there are loads of gazpacho variations. This classic red gazpacho consists of bread, tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, and red onion.

To flavor the soup, you'll need garlic, cumin, sherry vinegar, and a splash of olive oil.

How to Make Gazpacho

It couldn't be easier to make this gorgeous chilled Spanish soup at home. Let the crustless bread soak in a small bowl with water for a few minutes, then squeeze well. Grab your blender and put all of your chopped ingredients into it. Start by blending for 45 seconds to 1 minute. You can blend longer once you add the bread if you prefer a smoother soup or blend less for a chunkier texture. Have a little taste of the soup and tweak the seasonings as needed.

Transfer the soup to an airtight container and put it in the fridge for 3 to 4 hours to chill. After chilling for a few hours, your gazpacho is ready to serve! Sprinkle your desired garnishes over the top (croutons, crumbled bacon, and cheese are killer options), and enjoy!

Tips for Making Traditional Gazpacho

You can use baguette, ciabatta, sourdough, or French or Italian bread to make your gazpacho.

If you don't have any sherry vinegar, you can use a splash of red wine vinegar. Apple cider vinegar or even lemon juice also works well.

For the best gazpacho, make it when tomatoes are in season. Don't use canned tomatoes.

Don't forget to remove all the seeds and skins from the veggies!

Give your gazpacho enough time to chill in the fridge. This allows the flavors to meld together and gives the soup ample time to properly chill.

What to Serve with Gazpacho

Gazpacho is fantastic with other Spanish flavors like chorizo skewers, Spanish omelet, olive tapenade on toast, jamón, and cheese. It's also great with a side of crusty bread.

However, it would be delicious as a side or appetizer with pasta dishes, roasted veggies, roast chicken, grilled fish, or shrimp – the options are endless!

For wine pairings, stick to dry, high-acid white wines. Spain is home to many gorgeous white wines that pair beautifully with this savory chilled soup. Try Albarino, Manzanilla sherry, or a zesty Rueda. Sauvignon Blanc or a dry rose wine would work well, too.

Gazpacho Topping Ideas

Garnish your gazpacho with toasted bread, croutons, fresh chopped herbs, crumbled bacon, sliced cucumber, chopped egg, olives, or cheese.

Parmesan, pecorino, manchego, cheddar, and goat cheese are fabulous as a gazpacho topping.

Gazpacho Variations

To mix things up, try these delicious gazpacho variations. For an ultra-nutritious soup, blend in vegetables like zucchini, squash, beets, corn, or red bell peppers.

If you're a fan of herbs, sprinkle in some rosemary, basil, chives, thyme, or sage.

Anyone who lives for spice can add chili pepper to kick up the heat in your gazpacho.

You can also go the opposite way and blend in some fruit. Watermelon, strawberries, canteloupe, honeydew, and plums are lovely additions.

To make white gazpacho, blend roasted garlic, yogurt, seedless green grapes, cucumber, vegetable stock, almonds, sherry vinegar, and bread. Follow the same steps for chilling and serving.

How to Store Gazpacho

Gazpacho can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. For long-term storage, place it in the freezer for up to 3 months.


Remove the bread crust and soak the bread for a few minutes in a small bowl with water. Once ready, squeeze the bread well so as to remove excess water.

Half and core the tomatoes.

Core and chop the bell pepper.

Peel and chop the cucumber.

Peel and chop the red onion.

Place the tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, onion, and garlic in a blender.

Blend for 45 seconds to 1 minute, or until the mixture reaches your preferred consistency.

Add the soaked bread, vinegar and olive oil

Adjust the seasoning with salt, pepper and cumin.

Blend again for a few seconds or until combined.

Transfer the soup to an airtight container and put it in the fridge for 3 to 4 hours to chill. Add desired garnishes and serve.


Make sure you taste the soup after blending the ingredients. This is your chance to adjust any seasonings!

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