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How to cook cabbage and cauliflower without bad smells

Cabbage is a vegetable rich in vitamins and beneficial properties; a real ally of our health to be enjoyed in the cold months in soups, first courses and even salads. Often, however, the bad smell that cabbage emanates during cooking makes us desist from using it in our recipes, how can you solve this problem then? Don't worry, today we reveal all the simple ways to cook cabbage while avoiding annoying smells.


White, purple, savoy, red or Chinese; today we talk about cabbage. Good to eat, rich in beneficial properties and very versatile in the kitchen but, let's face it, definitely not very nice when cooking it releases a decidedly unpleasant smell that remains in the kitchen for hours and hours. So how to cook cabbage, prepare tasty first courses and side dishes while avoiding bad smells? Don't give up hope, it can be done; here are all the simple ways to save your kitchen and not give up on your recipes.

Can cabbage be cooked without bad smells?


The methods to avoid bad smells when cooking cabbage are different, some even quite curious, others that we could define as "grandmother's methods" are practically unquestionable.

If you choose to steam cabbage or cook it in the pressure cooker, you can add a few bay leaves, a tablespoon of milk or a cup of white vinegar to the water.

You can wet a slice of bread with vinegar or lemon and place it next to the pot in which you cook the cabbage; grandma has always done this and we trust it. Seeing is believing.

Alternatively, for more "serious" cases, you can also put a slice of lemon or 2 tablespoons of vinegar directly into the cooking water, before closing the pot.

Strange but true, you can place a coffee cup full of vinegar or a potato next to the safety valve of the pressure cooker, it seems that the starch contained in these tubers is able to absorb the bad smells of cabbage. Your kitchen will thank you.


Not only in cooking but also after preparation, you may need to "clean up" the air in your kitchen; so just boil a pot full of water with bay leaves, lemon and vinegar for 10 minutes.

If your kitchen is equipped with a hood, clean it regularly; this will help you fight bad smells and "unwelcome perfumes".

Cabbage, one of the most nutritious foods in the world


Whether it's savoy, black, red, Brussels one, or broccoli, let's start by saying that the beneficial properties of cabbage are practically endless. Considered one of the most nutritious foods in the world, cabbage contains vitamins, fiber, calcium and fatty acids (omega 3 and omega 6) in large quantities.

Excellent for those with iron deficiencies, cabbage contains in fact more iron than a steak in proportion, cabbage is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory, detoxifier and ally of the heart and arteries. A vegetable that practically should never be missing in our diets, cabbage has an antioxidant effect thanks to the presence of carotenoids and flavonoids and it also helps our body to control free radicals by preventing premature aging.

We know that cabbage is good for our health, now we also know the ways to prevent it from releasing bad smells during cooking but, in the end, how can we taste cabbage, this miraculous vegetable? To prevent it from losing some of its beneficial properties, it is better to choose steaming or pan cooking but, if you really want to experiment and prepare cabbage at its best, you are spoiled for choice. A traditional pasta and cabbage, creamy and very easy to make, a delicious cabbage baked in the oven or why not, alternative cabbage fritters, soft inside and crunchy outside; if you want to please your palate and help your health, cook and love cabbage in the way that suits you best.

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