Did you know that traditional weather folklore says a mere persimmon seed can help you predict the weather? Persimmons are less commonly eaten compared to similar fruits like plums and apples, which makes it no surprise that very little is known about it.
Did you know that traditional weather folklore says a mere persimmon seed can help you predict the weather? Persimmons are less commonly eaten compared to similar fruits like plums and apples, which makes it no surprise that very little is known about it. Read on for more exciting deets on how to use persimmon seeds to tell the weather.
Persimmons are believed to have originated in southern China's mountain area and are still cultivated as essential fruit crops in China, Korea, and Japan.
Now, persimmons are widely spread all over the world. The American persimmon tree (Diospyros virginiana) can be found growing wild in USA Zones 4 to 9. In contrast, a Japanese persimmon tree (Diospyros kaki) only thrives in the warmer parts of that range—Zones 7 to 9.
Although the American trees are more common, they are not as prized for their fruit, which is smaller and of lesser quality than Japanese persimmon.
However, to predict the weather, you'll need an American persimmon because most Japanese persimmon varieties don't have seeds.
Find a locally-grown persimmon tree to localize the weather predictions. Pluck and cut into the fruit when it softens. Remove and cut a persimmon seed open. Look at the shape of the kernel inside. If the kernel is: Spoon-shaped, expect plenty of snow to shovel. Fork-shaped, plan on a mild winter with powdery, light snow. Knife-shaped, expect frigid winds that will "cut" like a blade.
There you have a way to predict your weather in three easy steps. Still, if using persimmon seeds to predict the weather hasn't charmed you into loving persimmon, then you need to know that, like most other fruits, they are packed with nutritious components like vitamins and antioxidants.
Even better, they can be incorporated into just about any pastry!