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How to Freeze Bananas: All The Tricks to Freeze Them Correctly and Thawing Them for Baking

You can freeze bananas with or without the peel, whole, sliced, or mashed, depending on your intended use. Store them in airtight containers or Ziploc bags. To prevent browning, use lemon juice. For best results, thaw bananas in the refrigerator. Once thawed, your bananas are ready for baking, smoothies, and more.

By Cookist

Bananas are one of the most versatile ingredients in our kitchens. They can be eaten as a quick snack, used in baking, blended into smoothies, or even act as a substitute for eggs in various recipes. Typically sold in bunches, it's not uncommon to find yourself with a few brown or overripe bananas before you can finish them all. The perfect solution to avoid waste? Freezing them! You might be surprised by just how many ways there are to freeze bananas effectively.

The Best Way to Freeze Bananas

When it comes to freezing bananas, there are a few options to consider: with the peel on or off, sliced or whole. Each method has its advantages depending on the intended use. For smoothies, slicing bananas before freezing makes them easier to blend. For baking or making banana bread, freezing whole bananas might be more convenient as they can be thawed and mashed easily. If you want a quick snack, freezing them with the peel on could work, though peeling a frozen banana can be tricky.


How to Freeze Whole Bananas (Peeled and Unpeeled)

Freezing whole bananas can be done with the peel on or off. With the peel on, it's a straightforward process: just place them in the freezer. However, peeling them before freezing can save you time and hassle later. Once thawed, peeled bananas are perfect for baking recipes like banana bread or muffins, as they become very soft and easy to mash. If you choose to freeze with the peel, simply let the banana thaw slightly before peeling and using it in your recipes.


How to Freeze Sliced or Mashed Bananas

For those who frequently make smoothies or banana-based desserts, freezing sliced or mashed bananas is a great option. To freeze slices, lay the banana pieces on a baking sheet to prevent them from sticking together, then transfer to a storage container once frozen. This method ensures easy portioning for smoothies. Mashed bananas can be frozen in measured portions, which is handy for baking. Once thawed, both sliced and mashed bananas maintain their texture well and blend seamlessly into smoothies, batters, and puddings.


How to Choose The Container for Freezing Bananas

Ziploc bags are a popular choice due to their flexibility and space-saving design. Make sure to squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing to prevent freezer burn. For a more eco-friendly option, consider reusable silicone bags or airtight plastic containers. Regardless of the container, ensuring a tight seal is crucial to preserve the bananas' freshness and flavor.

Tips for Perfectly Freezing and Thawing Bananas

To prevent bananas from turning brown in the freezer, sprinkle a little lemon juice on them before freezing. This acidity helps to maintain their color. Labeling the bags or containers with the date can help you keep track of how long they've been stored, ensuring you use the oldest ones first. When thawing bananas, it's best to do so in the refrigerator to maintain their texture. If you're in a hurry, you can thaw them at room temperature, but be aware that they might become a bit mushier.

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