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Why You Should Never Immediately Store Boiling Hot Food in The Fridge

Putting boiling hot food straight into the refrigerator without letting it cool down first might lead the food to remain in the "danger zone" for longer: this could lead to harmful bacteria to grow and compromise our food. To prevent this, your food should be left out of the fridge to cool down for at least 35-40 minutes, and in any case, for no more than two hours.

By Cookist

When we cook in large batches or prepare meals in advance, our refrigerators become essential for storing leftovers safely and extending their shelf life for several days. But how exactly should we go about storing these foods? Do we simply place them in a container and immediately put them in the fridge, or should we wait for them to cool down first? There are compelling reasons to wait until the food is at least not boiling hot before transferring it to the refrigerator.

What is The "Danger Zone" When it Comes to Food?

The concept of the "danger zone" is crucial when it comes to food safety. This term refers to the temperature range between 40°F (4°C) and 140°F (60°C), within which bacteria can grow rapidly. When boiling hot food is placed directly in the fridge, it doesn't instantly cool to safe temperatures. Instead, it can remain in the danger zone for an extended period, allowing harmful bacteria to thrive. Not only does this risk foodborne illness, but it also affects the efficiency of your refrigerator, which has to work harder to cool the hot food, potentially raising the overall temperature inside and jeopardizing other stored items.


How Long Should Food Cool For Before Being Stored in The Fridge?

The question then arises: how long can food remain outside the fridge without becoming a breeding ground for bacteria, and how long should it be left to cool before refrigeration? Generally, perishable food should not be left out for more than two hours. In hotter environments above 90°F (32°C), this window shrinks to just one hour. To cool food safely before refrigeration, it should be left to sit until it reaches room temperature. This usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the food's volume and the ambient temperature.

How to Make the Cooling Down Process Quicker

One method is to divide large quantities of food into smaller, shallow containers, which increases the surface area and allows heat to dissipate more quickly. Stirring hot liquids periodically can also help release trapped heat. Another technique is to place the hot container in an ice water bath, ensuring the water level is halfway up the sides of the container. This method significantly speeds up the cooling process. Remember, the goal is to bring the food temperature down quickly to prevent bacterial growth while ensuring the food is stored safely.


What Happens if I Forgot My Food Outside of The Fridge?

Sometimes, we might forget food on the counter for longer than intended. How do you determine if it is still safe to eat? If food has been left out for more than two hours (or one hour in hot conditions), it is generally best to err on the side of caution and discard it. However, signs of spoilage such as off smells, unusual textures, or discoloration can also be indicators that the food is no longer safe. When in doubt, it's better to be safe and avoid consuming potentially contaminated food.

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