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10 Foods You Should Stay Away From When You’re Having Digestive Problems

Digestion problems are commonly considered trivial issues but that shouldn't be the case. Nutrition experts say paying special attention to what you eat isn't only for when you're trying to lose weight. Eat to improve your digestive system. Read on for 10 foods that doctors want you to stay away from to avoid indigestion or worsening it.

By Cookist

Indigestion is as common as the flu but it still remains one of the commonly ignored cases by the average person. Whether you frequently have indigestion or not, you should know the best way to tackle it is by making good food choices, and avoiding the following foods.


1. Sweet or Salty Foods


Extremely salty or sweet dishes are very difficult to digest and so, should be eaten in moderation to prevent the worsening of your indigestion. Experts especially advice from chocolate as it has been labeled a common cause of heartburn and the more serious GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

2. Processed Foods

Processed foods contain preservatives and other additives that may irritate your gut. Furthermore, they typically lack fiber, which regulates bowel movement and promotes efficient digestion.

Note: before eating any packaged food, make sure it doesn't contain lactose which can make you bloated and worsen any discomfort caused by indigestion.

3. Dairy Products


Dairy foods are generally hard to digest because they contain lactose, the sugar found in milk and other dairy products. As found in people with lactose intolerance, the substance can cause overproduction of gas and result in bloating and diarrhea.

4. Caffeine

It may be hard to believe but yes, your daily dose of caffeine may worsen your indigestion. This is because it increases bowel movement, making food move too quickly through your system. Therefore, drinking an excessive amount can give anyone diarrhea.

5. Spicy Foods


Stay away from spicy dishes if you have indigestion. Nutrition experts say this may not be applicable to everyone, so monitor your digestive system's reaction to spicy foods. If it causes or worsens your indigestion, stick to eating only bland foods.

6. Artificial Sweetener

Sorbitol is the most common culprit in this category because it is hard to digest. This sugar which is naturally present in some fruits, causes bloating and frequent stooling when it reaches the large intestine.

7. Acidic Foods


Good examples of acidic foods are carbonated drinks, tomato sauce and citrus fruits, like oranges, lemons, limes, and so on. When ingested, these can irritate the lining of your gut and worsen indigestion.

8. Fatty Foods

Fatty foods stimulate contractions in the digestive tract, which may either slow the emptying of the stomach and worsen constipation, or speed up movement, leading to or worsening diarrhea. This is, however, dependent on the type of fat and your tendency toward constipation or diarrhea. If you commonly have constipation, reduce or totally abolish your intake of fatty foods like red meat, cheese, butter, and ice cream.

9. Fried Foods


Like fatty foods, fried foods may either move through your digestive system so fast that they are not properly digested leading to diarrhea, or stay in your digestive tract too long, causing you to feel full and bloated. Furthermore, many fried foods are low in fiber and require longer periods for full digestion.

10. Alcohol

Nausea commonly accompanies indigestion so doctors advise keeping away from alcoholic drinks as they will probably make you sicker. Alcohol may be enjoyable but it is actually toxic to the stomach lining and changes liver metabolism. So, don't be surprised if you become constipated after a long night of drinking.

Remember, moderation is key, even when it comes to eating!

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