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10 Strange Side Effects of Consuming Apples

Apparently, if apples are consumed in excess, strange things start to happen to your body. Let’s find out what they are!

By Cookist

We love sweet, crunchy apples! They make the perfect snack, go great in lunchboxes, pair beautifully with pork, and of course there’s apple pie and apple crumble too.

What could possibly be bad about this symbol of good health? Apparently, if apples are consumed in excess, strange things start to happen to your body. Let’s find out what they are!

1. Can Increase Blood Sugar Levels


Apples are full of fiber, healthy carbohydrates, vitamins, and other nutrients. The body uses carbohydrates for fuel but eating too many apples prevents your body from getting around to burning off the fat, because apples contain a lot of carbs.

A medium-sized apple contains 25 grams of carbohydrates, but only five of those grams are fiber. This can also lead to a rise in blood sugar levels, but not the sudden one you may get if you eat chocolate or sugary snacks.

2. May Encourage Weight Gain


Apples are healthy, but they do contain calories and sugar, so moderation is the key.

A medium sized apple contains around 90-95 calories, and if you eat five a day, the extra calories soon stack up!

3. Could Lead to Heart Disease


Apples are high in fructose – a type of sugar. Fructose is used to make high-fructose corn syrup, which is linked with obesity and heart disease.

Fructose can only be absorbed in the liver, and when it’s there, it produces harmful fats called triglycerides, which can lead to heart disease. Eating too many apples can lead to excess fructose in the body, which can contribute to diabetes and obesity as well.

4. Apple Seeds Contain Cyanide


It’s always wise never to eat the apple seeds, as they contain a small amount of deadly cyanide. Eating lots of apple seeds can cause the release of cyanide during digestion. One cup of apple seeds can be fatal, but who is really going to sit down and work their way through a whole cup of apple seeds?

5. May Cause Allergic Reaction


If you are allergic to plums, peaches, apricots, almonds, and strawberries, you may be more likely to be allergic to apples too. Proceed with care!

6. Apple Juice Side Effects


If you drink too much apple juice, you may end up with diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue.

Artificially sweetened apple juice contains a chemical called sorbitol, which can lead to the formation of calcium oxalate stones – otherwise known as kidney stones.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar Weakens Tooth Enamel


Apple cider vinegar isn’t the same as an actual apple, but it’s often used as a health supplement as well as in cooking.

Excess amounts of apple cider vinegar weakens tooth enamel when consumed undiluted, due to its highly acidic nature. Rinse your mouth with fresh water to remove any traces of it from your teeth if you drink apple cider vinegar.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar Could Weaken Bones


Consuming large quantities of apple cider vinegar over a long period of time can lead to low potassium levels in your blood, along with low bone density. Don’t consume it if you have osteoporosis or other bone issues, or take it in low doses.

9. Could Damage Skin


As apple cider vinegar is an acid, it can damage your skin and your throat if you drink it undiluted or apply it neat to the skin.

10. Other Possible Side Effects

Apple cider vinegar can aggravate swelling, hives and breathing difficulties, and can cause indigestion and heartburn too.

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