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10 tips for a perfect bundt cake: how to prepare it high and soft

Then let’s see 10 tips for a perfect bundt cake: from the choice of ingredients, to the tools to be used, to cooking.

By Cookist

Bundt cake is a high and soft cake very good for breakfast or snack, but it can be also stuffed. A classic grandmother's cake that everybody likes, young and old people. Then let’s see 10 tips for a perfect bundt cake: from the choice of ingredients, to the tools to be used, to cooking.

Bundt cake is a high and soft cake ideal for breakfast and snack, but it can be also stuffed, so as to enjoy it on several occasions: a classic grandmother's cake that everybody likes, young and old people. Then let’s find out the tips to prepare it: here are 10 tips for a perfect bundt cake, from the choice of ingredients, to the tools to be used, to cooking.

1. To have a perfect bundt cake, choose the right flour


Those who love cooking know that flour is a fundamental component for the correct preparation of a dessert: it guarantees its structure, providing support also to other ingredients such as eggs, sugar, oil or butter and flavorings. For the preparation of the bundt cake choose the 00 type flour, which must always be sieved, to avoid the formation of lumps. You can then add to the flour a part of cornstarch or rice flour: ingredients that will make your cake even softer and crumbly.

2. To have a perfect bundt cake, use eggs at room temperature


For the preparation of your cake, and in general desserts, always use eggs at room temperature, which will allow you to obtain a soft and fluffy dough. For the realization of the bundt cake you can use whole eggs, or just the egg yolks, and then whisk the egg whites apart. As for whole eggs or egg yolks, it is important to work immediately after adding the sugar, otherwise the eggs could leave small lumps in the dough. Always work the eggs well with the sugar until you get a light and fluffy mixture. If you mount the egg whites apart, whip them until stiff, before adding them to the mixture.

3. To have a perfect bundt cake,  always add the yeast at the end


The yeast is another fundamental ingredient for the perfect success of the bundt cake. Always prefer a powdered yeast, perhaps flavored with vanilla, to make an even more fragrant dessert, as well as soft. It is important then to add the yeast to the last, usually together with the flour: this is because otherwise the chemical reaction of leavening would be triggered, which, out of the oven, is exhausted in a short time. In place of the classic chemical yeast for desserts, you can also use the cream of tartar, a natural leavening agent that is used like normal baking powder: to calculate the doses, just replace the amount of yeast provided for the preparation, with half cream of tartar and half sodium bicarbonate.

4. To have a perfect bundt cake, is it better oil or butter?


The butter and the oil are two essential ingredients to make your bundt cake soft, and you can use one or the other: choose the oil for a lighter preparation, or prefer the butter to give the bundt cake more sweetness and aroma. If you use butter, always add it to the softened mixture or just melted: avoid overheating it. If you prefer oil instead, choose a peanut or sunflower seed oil, or a lightly flavored olive oil.

5. To have a perfect bundt cake, enrich it with the right ingredients

Donut cake can be enriched with other ingredients that, added to the dough, will help to make it softer and tastier, like milk or cream, yogurt, mascarpone cheese or ricotta cheese. For example, the milk will make the donut cake softer, while the addition of fresh cream, or other ingredients, make it more full-bodied and consistent: use the cream always liquid, without mounting it.

6. To have a perfect bundt cake, follow the precise steps for preparing the mixture

In the preparation of the classic bundt cake it will be necessary to work the eggs with the sugar and the softened butter until a frothy dough is obtained. Then add the sifted flour and baking powder and keep stirring. If the recipe involves the use of whipped egg whites, work them with electric whisk until firm and mix them with the mixture of egg yolks, sugar and flour by incorporating them from top to bottom to not disassemble the mixture. In this way you will get a soft consistency at the right point.


7. To have a perfect bundt cake, use the electric mixer to work the dough well

To work the ingredients and make a perfect bundt cake, the electric mixer is an almost indispensable tool. It is a small appliance that will allow you to mix eggs, sugar and flour to the best: try to move the whips always in the same direction to avoid to disassemble the eggs. The electric mixer will also be useful for whipping egg whites in no time and to perfection. If you have a planetary, you can speed up the time: once it is operated at medium speed, it will work the dough by itself.

8. To have a perfect bundt cake, choose silicone or aluminum cake pans


For the perfect success of the bundt cake, the advice is to use cake pans for the oven that will ensure a homogeneous cooking. The aluminum cake pan is the most used and must be buttered and floured or coated with parchment paper. The silicone cake pan consists of a soft material that does not need to be buttered and the dough, once cooked, comes off easily. However, remember to always handle it with both hands, to avoid overturning the dough.

9. To have a perfect bundt cake, remember to butter or line the mold

As we have seen, it is essential to butter the cake pans in aluminum: grease them with a little butter and pass a little flour, eliminating the excess. Alternatively, use a sheet of oven paper: to make it stick, crumple it and then roll it into the mold. Even if you don’t have to usually butter the silicone cake pans, you can still decide to use the butter to line it, especially if you fear the phase of extraction of the bundt cake: in this way you will be sure not to split your bundt cake.


10. To have a perfect bundt cake, preheat the oven and use the right temperature

The oven temperature is an important variant for the success of your bundt cake: preheat the oven to 180 degrees, so as to bake the cake in a hot oven, and place it for the first half hour on the middle shelf: if you see that the surface quickly takes color, place a sheet of paper on top, so as to protect it from heat. Remember to never open the oven during the first 20-25 minutes of cooking, otherwise the bundt cake will deflate. Once ready, let it cool and then decorate it simply with confectioners’ sugar, if you want to enjoy it for breakfast or a snack, or decorate it with whipped cream or whatever you like, if you want to serve it for a birthday.

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