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3 Do’s And Don’ts At The Fish Market

If you're a lover of fish and are looking to venture beyond those you get at your stores, you'll be taking a trip to the local fish market. It is not a difficult activity if you know the rules, if you don't, it could be your worst experience.


For people who don't find themselves at the local fish market often, the trips can be wild, filled with shocking sights, sounds and particularly smells.

There are always tons of fishes as well as many people either trying to purchase some or sell them. Oh don't forget the mountains of ice too.

In truth it's a lot to shop at local fish markets so it is best you plan your trip ahead. This means no spontaneous decisions.

You have to know what you're doing and that you know the sort of common mistakes you need to avoid.

Below is a list of rules you can abide by when planning a trip if you want it to go without a hitch:

1.Pick a market with a good reputation


If you want to buy fresh fish, the reputation of the market you're shopping in is crucial. A fish market with good feedback is more likely to sell quality seafood at an affordable cost.

It is also less likely to take fish that have been caught in unsafe or unsustainable ways or that could even make someone sick.

A good example of a market with a good name is the world famous Toyosu Fish Market in Tokyo.

2.Do judge the market by your first impression when you walk in


Where fish markets are concerned, the first impression matters. The better the first impression  the more likely it is that you'll find it satisfactory.

Check the floors, are they filled with debris? Is the air rancid? The floors should be dry and debris free while the air should be free of decay.

Things like that show that the owner is particular about hygiene and is determined to provide healthy and clean products.

Keep an eye out for the customer care too. A good market should be customer-centric.

3.Buy fresh fish based on its looks


The way a fish looks is crucial to determine how fresh it is or how great it tastes. The fish needs to look healthy because most times, with fish, what you see is what you get.

An expert said: "The eyes should be nice and round, not all cloudy and shrunken. The gills should have a nice vibrant red color."

Avoid buying fish with too many missing scales or fish that have an overly fishy smell. Clean fish smells differently from the fishiness of old or ingress fishes.

Indeed when it comes to fish, no smell is the best smell.

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