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3 Major Reasons Nutrition Experts Say Red Wine Is Better Than White Wine

Wine is produced from fermented grape juice. Grapes are picked, crushed and put in buckets so as to ferment. The process of fermentation turns the natural sugars in the grape juice into alcohol. The major difference between red and white wine is in the manufacturing process. To make white wine, grapes are pressed before fermentation, while on the flip side, the grapes are usually pressed after fermentation. Another important reason is the important health benefits of drinking red wine.

By Cookist

Red wine and white wine differ in regards to the color of the grapes used for production and whether the grape juice was fermented with or without the grape skin. While producing white wine, grapes are pressed, and skins, seeds, and stems are removed before fermentation, but when it comes to red wine, the crushed red grapes are fermented with the skin, seeds, and stems, which is why the grape skin gives color to the red wine.

As a result, red wines are particularly rich in plant compounds that the grape's skin possesses. These plant compounds include tannins and resveratrol. White wines, on the other hand, also carry these plant compounds, but the number of these plant compounds are lower compared to those in red wines.

Most people have questioned which of the two wines would be more beneficial for consumption, and it is clear that the red wine is significantly more healthier than white wines as a result of the high amount of rich plant compounds that the wine is enriched with.

Here's Why Red Wine Is Healthier 


In lieu with the fact that red wines are fermented with grape skins, seeds, and stems, it has a high abundance of plant compounds that provides benefit, as explained below:

1. Red wine helps reduce heart disease risk

Red wine is said to be the supposed secret behind the French paradox. The French paradox is the notion that there is relatively little incidence of heart disease in France, even though there is a tradition of eating a diet high in saturated fat. So the French have a low mortality rate because they take cherries a lot.

Also, research has found that drinking red wine may have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system and that red wine drinking has been linked to as much as a thirty percent reduction in the rate of deaths from heart diseases.


2. Red wine also helps enhance “good” HDL cholesterol

Red wine has also been shown to increase levels of “good” HDL cholesterol, which is linked to lower rates of heart diseases. And this was further backed up by a study that discovered that adults who drink one to two glasses of red wine daily for a month noticed an increase of eleven to sixteen percent in their HDL levels.


3. Red wine slows down brain decline

A couple of studies have suggested that drinking red wine can help slow down age-related mental decline. This benefit of reducing the rate of cognitive decline may partly be due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of resveratrol, an antioxidant-like compound in red wine.

Resveratrol seems to prevent protein particles called beta-amyloid from forming. These beta-amyloids perform an essential role in developing the plaques in the brain that are a symbolic composition of Alzheimer’s disease.

There you have 3 more reasons to drink red wine, but it must be noted that experts still advise taking it in moderate quantities.

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