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3 quick and easy ways to clean your oven in minutes

Easy and fast methods to clean the oven.

By Cookist

If you want to make your oven look like new, you only need 2 ingredients!  Follow one of these simple steps and in minutes your oven will be spotless!



Method 1:

The first way to clean your oven is very simple. You'll need baking soda and water, mix together and spread the mixture in the oven. Use a kitchen sponge and clean all with a clothes.

Method 2:

Another useful method to clean the oven is with salt and vinegar. Spread the salt in the oven and pour the vinegar, use a sponge to clean well and then wash with a clothes.

Method 3:

The third way to clean the oven is very unusual: use soap and water. Fill the baking tray with water and put the soap inside. Leave for 20 minutes and then clean well.

These ways to clean your oven will improve your life in the house.

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