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5 kitchen secrets you must know about

Here are some classic cooking tips that will make your life easier.

By Cookist

Read on for 5 secrets of good kitchen practices that you must be aware of!

The art of cooking has been practiced for many centuries, for obvious reasons, and it should not come out as a surprise to you that each culture has a couple (or more) of exclusive cooking secrets. Here are some classic cooking tips that will make your life easier.



In case you plan to frost the cake, lightly sprinkle it with some flour as soon as it comes out of the oven. This way, the frost will spread easily and not slide onto the plate.



Soak the popcorn kernels in water for 10 minutes before putting them on heat as the moisture helps to get more evenly cooked popcorns.



Before cutting marshmallows or any dried fruit, you must dip the shears in water as the wet blades will easily cut through them and prevent these ingredients from sticking to the shear blades.

Chocolate bar


Use a vegetable peeler to shave chocolate bars easily and use them as a garnish on desserts.



While separating the yolk from the egg, in case you accidentally slip a bit of yolk into the white, use a corner of damp cloth to touch the yolk. This way yolk will stick to the towel and easily come out.

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