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5 Unusual Wine Practices That Every Wine Enthusiast Must Know

A real enthusiast sees wine and all it entails as a cult, an art so to speak, or a language only a select few people speak. In this article, we explore some peculiarities in the world of wine and explain them.


The true wine connoisseur is often aware of  every quality about the wine he tastes. He know its historical and geographical origins, every possible nuance of color, aroma or taste associated with it.

He even knows the vines, the producers and the cellars. These days there are more connoisseurs in the world and the word "wine" has become the subject of conversations that can be strictly technical, or pleasant exchanges of opinions and experiences.

Below are some things you may hear connoisseurs discuss in wine meetings and the likes:

1.Why is the standard size of the wine bottle 0.75 l?


This is because the English who traded wine in ancient times used the imperial gallons as a unit of measurement: each gallon is equivalent to 4.5 liters. Each case of wine was said to contain two gallons divided into 12 bottles for convenience: that  tells us that 9 liters – 2 gallons – divided by 12 bottles gives us 0.75 liters.

2.What is the concavity of the bottom of the bottle for?

This was invented in the 4th century. The so-called "bell" bottom likely originates from blown glass bottles, whose round bottom was retracted for better stability. This allows them to collect wine deposits and to pour it more easily following the rules of etiquette.

3.Why do we sometimes store bottles horizontally


This helps to keep the cork in contact with the wine keeping it moist and elastic which, in turn, ensures that it does not become dry and will decrease in volume. It will also not allow oxygen to enter the bottle.

4.Why do you toast bumping the glasses?

This custom originates from ancient Rome. Since in some banquets there was the possibility of finding oneself poisoned with a glass of wine, the ancient Romans banged the glasses loudly together – theirs were not glass – to ensure that the drops of wine could also be mixed from one glass to another.

It was to be a sign of total trust in the diners, allowing each to show that he was not afraid to drink wine served by others and showing at the same time that he had not in turn put poison in any glass.

5.Why do we say "cheers" in a toast?


This custom can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. The host of a banquet would drink first saying "cheers" to reassure the invited diners that they would not be poisoned.

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