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5 ways to get the perfectly cooked meat

Meats can be prepared in a variety of ways but it is more important to cook it to perfection irrespective of the cooking method used.

By Cookist

Meats can be prepared in a variety of ways but it is more important to cook it to perfection irrespective of the cooking method used. Uncooked and over cooked meat preparations are equally disappointing and make it tough to eat. Read on to know how to cook meat to perfection in just 5 easy steps.

Any kind of flesh food, be it poultry or meats, must be prepared with love, care, and some basic knowledge of cooking. A perfectly cooked piece of meat is neither over nor under done and is loaded with juices. Here are the 5 steps you must know that will change the way you prepare the meats.

Use high heat. Browning the meat enhances its flavor and you must aim to sear the meat until it is deep brown in color. To ensure the formation of a nice and thick crust over the meat chunk, dry the meat nicely with paper towels before you put it in the oven. Preheat the pan well until the fat added to it starts to shimmer and make sure to not add too many pieces of meat on the hot pan at once. Overcrowding the pan will steam the meat instead of browning it evenly.


Cook on low heat. Cooking the meats on low heat allows the center to reach the apt internal temperature. Slow cooking also helps to minimize the loss of juice and makes the dish more flavorful.


Cook the meat cuts correctly. Tough cuts such as shoulder and rump are best cooked slowly by stewing, pot roasting, and barbequing as these cuts are best served well done. However, tender cuts such a loin should be cooked quickly on dry heat, as in grilling and roasting. If these cuts are cooked for a prolonged duration, the moisture loss is more, which can toughen these tender meat cuts.


Always monitor the internal temperature. The meat continues to cook internally even after it is taken off heat, which means meat should be cooked 5 to 10 degrees below the recommended internal temperature.  This process is known as carryover cooking and it does not occur in the poultry and sea foods.


Always rest the meat. This allows the meat juices to redistribute from the center to other parts of the meat. The meat cuts that rest ooze out much less juice than the ones that are sliced straight away after cooking. A thinner chop or cut should be made to rest for about 10 minutes, thicker one for up to 20 minutes, and a large roast such as turkey for about 40 minutes.

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