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6 common mistakes while cooking eggs

Read on to know the errors regarding which we should be cautious.

By Cookist

There are certain kitchen staples which kind of become part of our daily routine. Eggs are one such food product that is not only versatile but can also be prepared in no time. Here are some of the mistakes that we commonly make while cooking this cheap and readily available food.

Eggs are the most widely used food product that is eaten for breakfast everywhere. Enjoyed in many different forms, this kitchen staple is one of the easiest food to prepare. However, there are a few mistakes that many of us commit unknowingly, which can either alter the taste of eggs or increase their cooking time.  Read on to know the errors regarding which we should be cautious.



While cooking eggs, be patient as eggs cook best at low temperatures. Cranking the heat up to cook the egg faster severely affects its taste because eggs tend to overcook in no time. Always remove the pan from heat during the final minutes of cooking eggs and let the residual heat do the rest of the work.

Adding liquid

Adding a splash of milk or cream before the eggs are scrambled does not necessarily make them tender. Instead, you should continuously stir the eggs over medium heat to get a finer or even velvety texture.

Adding salt


To get silk-textured scrambled eggs, it is best to season it with salt during the initial minutes of cooking as salt can drastically affect the way eggs cook. If salt is added before the eggs are cooked, you get tender curds of scrambled eggs.

For sunny side up

It is best to cook eggs for 30 seconds in a small Teflon pan and then place it in the top rack of the oven at 400 degrees for 4 minutes to cook the white part of the raw egg. This way, you will get the perfect sunny side up.



In case you happen to drop a tiny piece of eggshell in the bowl, use a larger part of the eggshell to scoop out small pieces.

For hard-boiled eggs

It is best to boil eggs for about 11 minutes to get nicely boiled eggs. For this, immerse eggs until an inch or more deep in roaring boiling water. Now, dip these boiled eggs in an ice bath to stop its cooking and get the perfect hard-boiled eggs.

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