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6 tips to clean and tidy the kitchen with a minimum effort

6 tips to clean and tidy the kitchen with a minimum effort.

By Cookist

Together with the bedroom, the kitchen is the place where most of the time is spent at home and, since the environment is often used to prepare, store and consume foods, it is necessary to keep it clean, sanitized and tidied up to make sure that it does not become a repository of germs and that the hours spent in it are as pleasant and relaxing as possible.

  1. Dust every day furniture, appliances, furnishings and various objects; the atmospheric dust accumulated in the kitchen is difficult to clean because, mixing with the vapors, tends to settle. Use a microfiber cloth, able to hold it inside and not the feather duster that could drop dust on food and utensils and spread it inside the room. 
  2. When cooking, do not leave dirty pots, containers, crockery and utensils around, but leave them to soak in hot soapy water immediately after use and, after rinsing them, put them in the dishwasher. Remember, however, to operate the dishwasher within 24 hours, even if it is not completely full, to make sure that the bacteria present in the traces of food do not multiply exponentially.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  3. If any food or product falls on the floor, pull it up right away, clean the area of the floor with kitchen paper, degrease it if it is necessary and wash it in case of stains and other traces. In addition to hygienic and practical reasons, you will avoid accidentally slipping on the remains of oil, detergents and other products that can make the surface where you walk slippery.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  4. When you turn on the stove, close the door well, operate the extractor hood, open the window (if the weather is good) and use a lid if you are frying or performing a type of cooking that could provoke splashes, for avoid having to proceed with the cleaning of tiles and kitchen furniture soiled by them.                                                                          
  5. After using the oven, pass a sponge soaked in water and sodium bicarbonate (but first squeeze it) into it (but first let it cool to avoid burns), and then rinse it; doing this every time will allow you to postpone the deep cleaning of the oven and the effort that the thing entails.                                                                                                                            
  6. If the water in the sink does not flow well and from the drain begin to come unpleasant odors, put in the hole of the sink some salt and vinegar (you can also use sodium bicarbonate, highly sanitizing) and after about 1 hour pour over boiling water. Do this every day until the water flows well in the drain and the smell will be completely gone (you can then proceed this way once a week)!
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