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7 alternative uses of pumpkin

Pumpkin: what a great food! We have already seen which are its innumerable properties, we have also tried a delicious recipe: sweet bread with pumpkin and cinnamon. Today, we want instead to see all the uses we can make of this fantastic vegetable. If you thought, in fact, that it could only be used in the kitchen, well, you were wrong!

By Cookist

Pumpkin: what a great food! We have already seen which are its innumerable properties, we have also tried a delicious recipe: sweet bread with pumpkin and cinnamon. Today, we want instead to see all the uses we can make of this fantastic vegetable.

If you thought, in fact, that it could only be used in the kitchen, well, you were wrong!

Here are seven interesting alternative uses of pumpkin, suggested by the site, which will also allow us to reuse the parts that otherwise we would have thrown away.

1. Pumpkin is good to make a face mask


Pumpkin is an excellent food for the skin. Not only for the internal part of our body, but also for the outside part of the body.

Excellent as an exfoliant,pumpkin nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis, improving its tone and elasticity.

On the site that we have mentioned above, a recipe for a good peeling is suggested, made from pumpkin pulp, milk and spices. Just mix the ingredients well, spread on the face, wait for them to act and then wash away everything.

Another recipe that we propose is that of a face mask consisting of: four tablespoons of pumpkin pulp, one of honey, two teaspoons of aloe gel, half a teaspoon of jojoba oil and 3 tablespoons of corn flour. Mix all the ingredients, then apply on the face leaving it on for 20 minutes. Finally, rinse yourself with warm water.

2. Pumpkin is good to make an exfoliating body scrub


Pumpkin is an excellent source of beta-carotene and it moisturizes and enriches the skin with essential minerals. You can decide to add the pumpkin pulp to the scrubs you have at home to make them more nutritious, or to create an healthy one by yourself. If you have very sensitive skin, always make sure that the prepared lotion does not provoke skin reactions: then put it a little first on the inside of the arm and wait to see if anything happens.

3. Pumpkin is good to make a compress for dry or tired legs


The antioxidant benefits of the pumpkin can help us fight the dryness of the legs and the feeling of heaviness. You will need half a cup of pureed pumpkin, half cup of a coconut milk and half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix everything thoroughly and spread the mixture on the legs, holding it for 10 minutes. Then, rinse everything with lukewarm water. You will have very soft and light legs, having also stimulated the microcirculation.

4. Pumpkin is good to make a butter for the body


Do you want to feel an incredible feeling of softness on the body? Pumpkin butter is perfecet for you! After a beautiful exfoliating action obtained thanks to the use of scrub, you can nourish your skin free of dead cells, with a rich and creamy mixture: just add to your usual butter for the body a bit of pureed pumpkin. Remember: the pumpkin also goes well with shea.

5. Pumpkin is good to make a natural fertilizer


Pumpkins are also good for compost. So, if you can not eat it anymore or it went bad, do not throw it away, but use it to feed your garden! A tip: before putting the pumpkin into the compost, separate it from its seeds, you can roast them well and give them to the birds!

6.Pumpkin is good to make a biodegradable jar


It sounds incredible, but suggests using the outer shell of the pumpkin as a kind of biodegradable jar. Just fill it with soil and insert the seedlings. For the first few days it can be left on the balcony or on the porch, then it will be put in the soil. The pumpkin shell will protect the roots from frost and, once broken, the vase will give the necessary nutrients to the plant to grow.

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