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7 unexpected benefits of blue tea in weight loss

This tea is also beneficial for healthy skin as it offers an anti-glycation effect that fights aging of the skin. The presence of flavonoids in blue tea also stimulates the production of collagen to improve skin health.

By Cookist

Read on to know about the latest herbal tea that may also benefit by losing excess body weight.

Apart from just sipping on green tea, people are using a wide range of herbal teas to improve their health status and pamper their body with good nutrients. Off late, there are various beverage options such as chamomile and blue pea tea that can benefit our health. Dried blue pea flower tea is the newest addition in the herbal tea segment that yields a beautiful colored brew and can be enjoyed either hot or cold.

Here are the various health benefits of using blue tea:

Blue tea is loaded with antioxidants and can be added as a wonderful beverage in a detox diet to protect our body against the oxidative stress of free radicals.

Blue tea also contains catechins that have been studied to benefit in burning the belly fat and assist in weight loss. The brew of butterfly pea flower is effective in improving the metabolism and enhances the burning of calories.

It can also work as a mood enhancer as this tea is reported to bust stress and reduce the symptoms of anxiety.

Blue tea is also a natural diuretic drink that is helpful in losing water weight.


This special tea may also help in managing diabetes by regulating blood sugar level.

There are also claims that blue tea can manage fatty liver and reduce the cholesterol level in blood, but there are not enough researches to prove it.

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