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8 foods that do not need salt

Following a sodium-rich diet is not good for your health because it increases your risk of getting hypertension, heart problems, and strokes. Few people know, however, that some foods already contain salt in high quantities. Here are the foods that do not need salt.

By Cookist

Following a sodium-rich diet is not good for your health because it increases your risk of getting hypertension, heart problems, and strokes. Few people know, however, that some foods already contain salt in high quantities. Here are the foods that do not need salt.

Following a sodium-rich diet is not good for your health because it increases your risk of getting hypertension, heart problems, and strokes. To avoid this, it is advisable to limit the use of salt in the kitchen as much as possible, giving more space to spices and other ingredients that can replace it. However, few people know that some foods already contain salt in large quantities and, while they prepare them for the table, they add more salt to flavor them. Here are the foods to which salt should never be added.

Cured meats

The cured and processed meat are rich in salt because they are treated just with this ingredient to be stored. All dishes that contain raw and cooked ham, mortadella, salami should not be further salted.

Smoked salmon

Salmon is one of the healthiest foods you can consume because it contains omega-3 but, at the same time, it is also rich in sodium. If you want to eat it in large quantities, it is better not to season it with salt.

Dishes seasoned with Pecorino cheese

Pecorino cheese is rich in sodium and the dishes that contain it in large quantities should not be seasoned with salt. Even if you do not use it, they are equally good and tasty.

Bread and all its derivatives

A single slice of bread contains 15% of the recommended daily salt. Those who want to follow a low-sodium diet would do better to consume similar products as little as possible.

Stuffed sandwiches

Stuffed sandwiches sold in delicatessen shops or pubs are not the best thing for those who want to eat with a little salt. The reason? They combine bread, cured meats and sauces such as ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, where the amount of sodium is very high.

Pork sausage

Pork sausage is a cured meat and, in most cases, salt has already been used for the preparation. It would be good, therefore, not to flavor it again when it is passed on the grill.

Roast chicken

The chicken that is sold in delicatessen food stores and supermarkets is seasoned with high quantities of spices and salt. Unless you want to put your health at risk, it would be better not to flavor it again when you eat it at home.

Ready-made soups

Canned soups should be avoided by those who want to follow a low-sodium diet. In addition to being rich in preservatives, they also contain high amounts of salt: this is precisely why they are tastier than those made at home. When you intend to consume them, it would be better not to add more salt.

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