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9 tips to shop for groceries like a pro

Here are certain tips that will help you enjoy a guilt-free and valuable grocery shopping experience.

By Cookist

Read on to know how you can make the best use of time spend at the grocery store!

Grocery shopping is a skill that is learned by experience or exposure. While it is a fun thing to do, there are certain dos and don’ts that no one will ever inform you about. Here are certain tips that will help you enjoy a guilt-free and valuable grocery shopping experience.

Make a list


List down all the things that you will require based on the events planned for the future. So, if you are planning to host a party or even if you are shopping the weekly stock, just be clear in your mind about all the items that you have to pick from the store.

Buy what you eat


Instead of getting lured by many fancy food items, it is better that you spend the precious bucks on food that you and your family eats. Otherwise, there are chances that your extravagant purchase may go waste.

Buying deli meats

Deli meats must be bought sensibly only after accounting for how many serves you are expected to consume in the coming week.

Buy meat in bulk


You can safely freeze the meats for a couple of months, which makes bulk-buying of meats a cost-effective way to grocery shop.

Walk through the perishable section

Always notice the stuff lying in the perishable section of the grocery store and take your time to pick most food items from this section. This way you will make healthier food choices while grocery shopping.

Visit the frozen food section


Frozen foods are sometimes way fresher and healthier even than the stuff sold in fresh section as frozen foods are picked when at the peak of their freshness.

Bulk buy sensibly

It is beneficial to buy whole grains, spices, lentils, nuts, etc. from the bulk bin section instead of loading snacks and other foods with preservatives in the cart.

Read the packing date


You must go through best by, sell by, or use by dates mentioned on the food package.

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