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A Simplified Guide To Keeping Avocados Fresher For Longer Periods

As much as Avocado is rich in potassium and healthy fats, it has one fault — a narrow window of ripeness. This means that avocados must be stored properly, so they last as long as possible. When a fresh, ripe avocado is sliced to reveal a buttery-smooth green flesh, it evokes a feeling of pure bliss. Unfortunately, that isn't always the case because avocados not only have a very small window of ripeness, but they also rapidly oxidize (turn brown) when the flesh meets air.

By Cookist

The main deal starts with choosing the right fruit. If the Avocado is needed immediately, a perfectly ripe one would be the best option. A ripe avocado will yield to pressure and have a darker peel than an unripe one. Ripe avocados should be used within two to three days, otherwise, they will spoil.

Here's how to store avocados, regardless of their state.

How to Store Whole Avocados


Whole avocados are much easier to store than avocado halves because the peel protects the flesh from oxidation. But measures could be taken to prolong the life of avocados or speed up its ripening process. Ripe, ready-to-eat avocados are best stored in the refrigerator to slow down the ripening process and keep them in the low-humidity crisper drawer of the fridge (most crisper drawers will have a vent that allows to adjust the humidity levels). They'll last between two and three days when stored this way.

Storing Whole Unripe Avocados

Unripe, not-yet-ready-to-eat avocados should be stored at room temperature to speed up the ripening process. Leave them on the countertop, out of direct sunlight. Ripening could take up to five days, but be sure to check their ripeness daily by gently pressing on them to see if they yield to pressure.

How to Store Cut Avocados


Once you cut into an avocado, it has been exposed to its worst enemy: oxygen. Avocado flesh turns brown when opened to the air because of a reactive enzyme, a process otherwise known as oxidation. Trying to keep a cut half of an avocado ripe is an uphill battle. But there are some preventative measures you can take to protect that beautiful green flesh from turning brown and unappetizing.

Storing Ripe Avocado Halves

Fresh and ready avocado halves are a sight to behold. But they won't stay that way for long. To keep them from turning brown, seal the flesh with a sprinkle of lemon juice, lime juice, or olive oil, then tightly wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate.

You can also protect the avocado flesh with water. Fill a container with water and place the avocado half flesh-side-down in the water. Cover and place in the refrigerator for up to two days.

Storing Unripe Avocado Halves


While a ripe avocado half is a beautiful thing, there's nothing worse than cutting into an avocado only to find the flesh firm and inedible. But before you toss it, try these tips. Sprinkle the flesh with lemon or lime juice, place the halves back together, and wrap with plastic wrap. Stick it in the fridge and check its ripeness each day.

With these preservatives measures, avocados can be stored for a long time, which reduces the spoilage rate.

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