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Benefits and properties of the pumpkin

The excellent nutritional values, associated with the many beneficial properties for health, make the pumpkin an excellent vegetable to eat.


The excellent nutritional values, associated with the many beneficial properties for health, make the pumpkin an excellent vegetable to eat.

Despite the full and very sweet flavor, for example, it is a valuable food in low-calorie diets and in those of diabetic patients, thanks to its very low glucose and lipid content, balanced out by high content of fiber, vitamins and minerals: 100 grams of pumpkin in fact bring only about 26 kcal, and this is possible because of the high water content (about 90%).

Pumpkin is a source of fibers, mineral salts (including calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium and magnesium) and vitamins, in particular of beta-carotene (a precursor of Vitamin A, known for its antioxidant qualities), vitamins B and vitamin C.

The benefits and properties of pumpkin


Pumpkin prevents cardiovascular diseases Beta-carotene is an important antioxidant that helps to counteract the onset of free radicals and, therefore, cellular aging. In addition, the pumpkin is rich in good fats such as Omega-3, an ideal ally for the reduction of cholesterol and blood triglycerides and for the lowering of blood pressure, thus decreasing the risk of formation of atherosclerotic plaques.


Pumpkin is good against constipation The high fiber content, combined with the high percentage of water, give the pumpkin beneficial properties for the intestine: in particular pumpkin favors the correct functioning of the intestinal transit as it changes the consistency of the stool and rebalances the intestinal flora. This feature is also useful in case of colitis and in the presence of hemorrhoids. Moreover, the fibers help to maintain a sense of satiety for a long time and contribute to reducing the absorption of blood sugar: an excellent advice for those who are attentive to the line and for those suffering from diabetes.


Pumpkin removes insomnia and anxiety Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant and, as such, it facilitates the relaxation of muscles. The presence of magnesium in the pumpkin, therefore, helps muscle relaxation, bringing physical and humoral benefits. In addition, the pumpkin contains tryptophan, an amino acid involved in the production of serotonin, the so-called good-humor hormone, useful to fight insomnia, nervous hunger and depression.


Pumpkin is good against water retention Water and potassium present in the pumpkin favor diuresis and counteract fluid retention, often due to an incorrect or unhealthy lifestyle: unbalanced and sodium-rich diet, sedentary lifestyle, poor hydration are the most responsible factors. Pumpkin consumption, therefore, facilitates the body to free itself from the liquids retained and to deflate.


Pumpkin nourishes and protects skin, hair and nails Vitamins and antioxidants make pumpkin pulp an excellent ally of beauty, especially in the preparation of do-it-yourself masks and creams, emollient products for the body and fortifying products fo hair and brittle nails.

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