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Braised Fennels and Artichokes: the recipe for a side dish with a Mediterranean flavor

Total time: 30 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 2 people
By Cookist


Desalted capers
1 handful
dried cherry tomatoes
Extra virgin olive oil
as much as needed
salt to taste

Braised fennels and artichokes is a tasty and light side dish, perfect for those who want to eat tasty meals without feeling guilty. These typically winter vegetables, with their extraordinary diuretic and purifying properties, are braised with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and shallot, while dried cherry tomatoes and desalted capers will give this dish a rich and fragrant Mediterranean flavor. Quick and very simple to prepare, this is a perfect recipe to solve even a last minute lunch or dinner. Serve it up with a portion of fresh cheeses or a meat main course and, in a few minutes, you will have a healthy and balanced meal. So let’s find out how to prepare braised fennels and artichokes by following our recipe step by step.

How to make Braised Fennels and Artichokes


Clean the artichokes by removing the tips and the toughest outer leaves; then cut each artichoke into 4 wedges (1) and remove the internal beard. Rub them with a lemon wedge and gradually dip them into a bowl with cold water acidulated with lemon juice.


Clean the fennels, cut them into wedges (2) and put them in the water acidulated with the artichokes.


Peel the shallot and chop it finely, then brown it in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil; add the artichokes, well drained and dried (3), and sprinkle with a few drops of lemon juice. Cover with a lid and let cook for a few minutes.


Drain the fennels, dry them well and add them to the pan together with the artichokes; add also the dried cherry tomatoes, coarsely chopped, and the desalted capers (4). Cover with the lid and continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes.


When the artichokes begin to soften, remove the lid, sprinkle with a little chopped parsley and let the cooking juices reduce well (5).


Bring the fennels and artichokes to the table and serve (6).

How to store Braised Fennels and Artichokes

Braised fennels and artichokes can be stored in the refrigerator, in a special airtight container, for at least 2 days.

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