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Breast cancer, sautéed with garlic and onion reduces the risk by 67%: reasons and quantity

Let's see together how the sautéed reduces the risk of breast cancer and the quantities considered beneficial.

By Cookist

The sautéed with garlic and onion reduce the risk of breast cancer, this is what scientists have discovered from a study carried out on the women of Puerto Rico that confirms the anticancer properties of these foods, widely used throughout the world. Let's see together how the sautéed reduces the risk of breast cancer and the quantities considered beneficial.


Scientists followed 314 women with breast cancer and 346 women without breast cancer from 2008 to 2014 and found out that the sautéed is actually a cause of the 67% reduction in breast cancer risk for those who eat a daily portion of it, compared to those who never eat it. The idea of ​​the study, the authors explain, stemmed from previous scientific evidence that had shown how eating onions and garlic could have a protective effect against cancer.

The choice of Puerto Rican women was dictated by the fact that the sautéed is a condiment widely used on the Caribbean island, much more than in Europe or the United States. Also, in Puerto Rico there is generally a smaller percentage of cases of breast cancer.


But how do garlic and onion reduce the risk of breast cancer? Experts explain that the secret lies in flavonols, compounds of plant origin that belong to the class of flavonoids, and other organosulfur compounds. In particular, garlic contains compounds such as S-allilcysteine ​​and diallyl disulfide, while onions contain alkenyl cysteine ​​sulfoxides. "These compounds show anticarcinogenic properties in humans and in experimental animal studies," the scientists conclude.

The study, entitled "Onion and Garlic Intake and Breast Cancer, a Case-Control Study in Puerto Rico" was published in Nutrition and Cancer.

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