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Celebrity tips that not only work – they are actually healthy too!

Diet and celebrity is certainly not a new combination. But some of these celebrities have not only effective diet tips, but also healthy ones! In this article we have listed exercise and diet tips from famous people, that are approved by health experts too!

By Cookist

Health and diet fads from celebrities are certainly not a new thing. Trying to find actual healthy tips, however, that’s the difficult part. But not all celebrities are promoting strange and unhealthy trends.

Whether you are looking for exercise or diet tips, this is advice you can follow (and it’s approved by health experts too!).

The No-Equipment Workout


It’s no secret that celebrities travel a lot. Jet setting around the world might sound exciting but staying in shape while having no access to a gym, is a challenge. Celebrities like Khloe Kardashian often have a routine that they make use of when they are stuck in a hotel. Examples of these exercises are sit-ups, lunges, 1-minute wall sits, push-ups and 1-minute planks. You get a full-body workout without any gym equipment! Exercise has more benefits than just toning the body. It also contributes to the ‘feel-good’ factor. Kelly Ripa, Alicia Keys, and Alanis Morrisette use exercise as a form of stress-release, saying it makes them feel happier. If you feel overwhelmed by stress, why not go for a quick jog? You could benefit from the ‘anti-depressant’ effect of exercise.

Choose Your Calories Carefully


Dieting is hard. And there’s no fun in not having a cheat meal every now and then. But when you do have one, make it worth it. In other words, don’t get caught up in unintentional eating. Instead of having a piece of cake ‘because everyone is having it’, choose a dessert that you absolutely love, and that is worth the calories. Celebrities like Heidi Klum and Jennifer Aniston love pasta. So when they want to indulge, they make sure it’s the most delicious, moreish pasta dish they can find. Others, like Kristin Cavallari and Nicole Kidman, prefer the 80:20 rule. That means 80% of the time you stick to a healthy diet, leaving you with 20% in which you can indulge. It’s great to be healthy, but when it comes to holidays and special occasions, make sure that your health-consciousness doesn’t take away special time from friends and family.

Stop Obsessing!


It’s important to remember that our bodies are all created differently. Some of us will never be a size zero, no matter what we eat. Being healthy should always be the first priority, whether it comes to exercise or diet. It’s not about being a ‘perfect weight’ or being the ‘skinniest girl’, it’s about being the healthiest version of yourself. Kim Kardashian has given girls a great example of embracing your curves and your body type and working with it, instead of against it. Selena Gomez believes that the bathroom scale is not the most accurate way of measuring whether you are fit enough. And she’s right too. Scales can only measure weight and does not distinguish between lean muscle and body fat. You might increase in weight when you start to exercise but will appear leaner. A quick (and somewhat accurate measure) is to see how you fit in your favorite pair of jeans. If it starts feeling a bit snug, then you know it’s time to adjust your diet and amp up your exercise routine. Actress Lea Michele also believes if you eat healthily and exercise regularly, you will start to feel confident automatically, leading to a better self-image.

What are your go-to tips to stay healthy?

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