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Delicious Vegetable Fritters from Any Vegetable – Make Them Today!

Vegetable fritters are the perfect way to sneak in more veggies into a meal. They’re quick and easy to make, and also very versatile. With only a handful of pantry staples and a few veggies, you can make delicious vegetable fritters in no time. Read on to see how you can make delicious fritters, every time!

By Cookist

You might be wondering what’s so special about vegetable fritters. Well, it’s a great way to use leftover veggies. And by combining it with cheese and fresh herbs, it’s a great way to sneak in veggies for those who don’t enjoy eating them. Moreover, you can easily pack them for lunch the next day. To make fritters from almost any vegetable you need to add fresh herbs, seasoning, cheese, and obviously, a binding agent. While many vegetables are suitable for fritters, they need to be prepared differently. This is because some veggies contain more moisture than others, and this could be the difference between a deliciously crispy fritter and a limp, soggy one.

It’s all about the vegetables


Corn (fresh or frozen) and grated root vegetables (like carrots, parsnips, and sweet potatoes) can be used as is. Zucchini requires a little bit more effort, because of its high moisture content. Drain grated and salted zucchini for about 10 minutes. Squeeze out the excess moisture and let it dry on a kitchen towel. The drier, the better!

Cauliflower and broccoli make delicious fritters, but they need to be cooked first. Steam the veggies until tender, and mash before adding them to the rest of your ingredients. When using leafy greens (like spinach or swiss chard), you can blanch them, and squeeze out as much liquid as possible.

Now for the add-ons…


It goes without saying that a vegetable fritter is incomplete without cheese. But don’t think you’re limited to cheddar cheese. Depending on your own preferences, you can use goats’ cheese, feta, mozzarella, and even parmesan. Cheeses like mozzarella and cheddar will make the fritters stretchy, while parmesan will contribute more flavor.

Fresh herbs are an absolute must for vegetable fritters.


Use parsley or cilantro, or even a combination of the two. You can even use basil, which goes especially well with parmesan or feta. Spices can also be added, but use garlic sparingly. If you really like garlic, rather use garlic powder. Fresh garlic can burn easily, which will make the fritters bitter.

To bake or to fry?


We always opt for the healthier choice, but when it comes to vegetable fritters, frying is the way to go. Remember, you’re not deep-frying the fritters, so you’re still only using a few tablespoons of oil. Shallow-frying the fritters (as opposed to baking) ensures a crispy crust.

How to make veg fritters from any vegetable


In a large bowl, mix 1 beaten egg, 1 ½ lb. vegetables of choice (prepared as mentioned), ½ cup cheese of choice, ¼ cup flour, and 1 Tbsp herbs and seasonings. Mix well. Form nine patties (if the mixture does not hold together well, you can add more flour). Fry the patties in 1 Tbsp vegetable oil, for about 3 minutes per side. Drain on kitchen paper. Serve with mayo, ketchup, or pesto.

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