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Does Alcohol Help To Digest Food? Here’s What Health Experts Think

Alcohol, whether it's in the form of a rustic beer or a glass of fancy wine, is a common accompaniment for meals. With such wide practice, it is no wonder that there is a common saying that it can help digest meals, especially those with high amounts of fat. But, is that really a fact or merely myth? Read on below for what the experts think.

By Cookist

Enjoying a glass of your favorite alcoholic drink, wine or otherwise, with a fancy pasta dish is admittedly an amazing experience but it doesn't have the best effects on your body.

Unlike the common saying that alcohol can help digest meals, it has numerous negative effects on the human body. Contrary to popular opinion, alcohol doesn't aid digestion. Instead, it blocks nerves that are necessary for gastric emptying of the stomach. So, the body typically works hard to expel alcohol.


However, it must be noted that drinking herbal liqueur before a meal can stimulate the mucous membranes of the stomach to release acid as promised by manufacturers. But it's still not the alcohol performing the important function, it is more so attributed to the bitter substances contained in them.

Therefore, health experts continue to stand by the now-popular advice that alcohol should only be taken in small amounts and never taken frequently. Stick to the recommended levels of safe alcohol consumption, or one drink per day for women and those older than 65 years of age and two drinks per day for men; one drink would be classified as a standard beer, a glass of wine, or a standard shot of spirits.


Also, don't down any amount of alcohol on an empty stomach and ensure you constantly consume a balanced diet that provides vital nutrients.

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