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Famous Turkish Balloon Bread: Quick and Easy

Total time: 1hr 15 min rise/ 15 min prep
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 4-6
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Want an impressive side dish for the table next time you entertain? Look no further than this Turkish balloon bread recipe. This unique bread, also known as lavas, is made with flour, yeast, milk, and oil. It’s a popular staple in Turkish cuisine. But what sets it apart is its incredible texture and appearance. When baked, it puffs up like a balloon, creating a light and airy interior with a slightly crisp exterior. It's perfect for tearing apart and pairing with your favorite dips or fillings. Traditionally, its’ served with goat’s cheese and a spicy tomato and pepper relish called ezme. You will love how easy it is to make!

What is Balloon Bread?

Balloon bread (or puffy bread) is traditionally known as Balon lavas—a Turkish flatbread that’s been enjoyed for centuries. Some even say its history goes back more than a thousand years. The flatbread is known for being thin, crispy, and very puffy. It’s often served as an appetizer or side dish to kebabs, with accompaniments such as goats’ cheese, unsalted butter, and a tomato and pepper relish.


– Balloon bread is best served piping hot off the pan!

Yeast also adds flavor to the flatbread, so don’t skip it! Make sure the yeast you’re using is still active (i.e. not expired).

– A heavy-bottomed skillet (like a cast iron skillet) will work best for this recipe as it retains heat well. This is necessary for the flatbread to be cooked thoroughly. Make sure your skillet is hot. When bubbles start to form on one side, the bread is ready to flip.

–  The flatbread dough should be smooth and not sticky. If you find that it is still too sticky, you’ll have to continue to knead it.

– If the bread is not puffing up enough, it means your pan is not hot enough!

How to Store Balloon Bread

Store the flatbread in an airtight container, at room temperature, for up to 3 days. You can also store the uncooked dough in the fridge for about 3 days. Alternatively, the dough balls can be frozen for up to 3 months. Just make sure to wrap them tightly with plastic wrap.

Find out how to make Turkish balloon bread following our step-by-step recipe and advice.


All purpose flour
300 g (1 ¾ cup)
10 g (2 tsp)
5 g (¾ tsp)
Dry yeast
Warm water
120 ml (½ cup)
warm milk
120 ml (½ cup)
Vegetable Oil
15 ml (1 tbsp)

How to Make Balloon Bread

Whisk flour with sugar, salt, and yeast.

Pour in liquids: water, milk, and oil.

Knead the dough until smooth. then form into a ball, cover, and set aside for 1 hour.

Cut the dough into 6 pieces.

Roll each, then set aside for 15 minutes.

Roll out the dough into a disk.

Cook over medium heat without any oil for 50 seconds, flip, cook for 30 seconds, flip again, and wait for it to puff up.

In the meantime, mix hot vegetable oil with chopped parsley.

You can serve right away or brush the flatbread with the mixture of parsley in hot vegetable oil.


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