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Hair thinning: 6 foods to eat and 6 foods to avoid

Men and women of all ages want strong and healthy hair especially when they begin to weaken and visibly thin out. Fortunately there are several natural treatments for this problem such as hormonal rebalancing, stress reduction, a change in eating habits and so on.

By Cookist

Men and women of all ages want strong and healthy hair especially when they begin to weaken and visibly thin out. Fortunately there are several natural treatments for this problem such as hormonal rebalancing, stress reduction, a change in eating habits and so on.
The average adult has about 100,000 to 150,000 hairs and loses daily 50 to 100 hairs. Despite this figure may seem alarming, it is absolutely normal. You might believe that losing so many hair will give an even more subtle appearance to those that remain, but this will not happen unless the natural growth process of the hair does not have something wrong. As long as the loss and re-growth of the hair will keep itself in balance, it will not be a problem. However for some subjects hair loss is a daily concern. Beyond the best aesthetic condition, in those who suffer from thinning hair there is a constant fear that the condition is irreversible and will lead to permanent baldness.

6 foods recommended as a natural treatment


Increasing nutrient-rich foods helps, if you suffer from baldness and fragile falling hair. There is really a great connection between what you eat and the health of your hair. According to specialist dermatologist Whitney Bowe: "One of the first ways I can see how healthy someone is and if he takes nutritious foods is by looking at his hair".

Here is a list of the best foods to use as a natural treatment against thinning hair and from which to draw nutrients:

Forage-fed beef: Iron-rich proteins like those found in forage-fed beef can really help your hair's health. Hair follicles and roots are nourished by a supply of nutrient-rich blood. If you have an iron deficiency (a condition that is commonly hidden behind the thinning hair), the follicles are deprived of one of the nutrients and this negatively affects the normal cycle of hair regrowth and therefore their fall.


Vegetable rich in iron: lentils, spinach, cabbage and other green or dark green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C rich foods: taking sufficient vitamin C with your diet is essential as it is a powerful antioxidant. It also helps your body assimilate the iron it needs. Guava, Kiwi, Papaya, Broccoli and red peppers are some of the foods that contain Vitamin C.


Foods rich in Vitamin A: Vitamin A maintains scalp health, essential for healthy hair growth. It helps the production of sebum that affects the scalp. Foods that contain it? Pumpkin, sweet potatoes and cabbages.

Biotin-rich foods: Take egg yolk and nutritional yeast to supplement enough Biotin in your diet. A deficiency of biotin causes dry and brittle hair more predisposed to fall.


Zinc-rich foods: zinc is another key nutrient to protect hair health. Zinc is involved in the growth of tissues and in their repair (including hair). Foods with a high zinc content include foraged beef, chickpeas and pumpkin seeds.

6 incorrect foods to be eliminated

To discourage hair thinning you must know which foods to avoid:


Potential foods with allergens: if you consume foods that can give any allergic reaction to your body, this automatically increases the levels of inflammation which is counterproductive for the growth of strong and healthy hair. The most common allergens are: gluten, dairy products, corn, soy, preservatives and additives.

Hydrogenated fatty acids: it has been shown that they cause inflammation and produce DHT which can lead to hair loss. So stay away from any vegetable oil, corn oil and soy.


Sugars: sugars make the hormones unbalanced, increase DHT and cause inflammation.

Packaged foods: they contain chemical agents that can interrupt the hormonal balance.


Alcohol: it causes inflammation and intoxication of the liver, leading to hair loss.


● Caffeine: too much caffeine causes dehydration, hormone imbalance and DHT production.

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