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Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Veganuary

There is a new trend called Veganuary getting popular on the streets of the internet and we have the scoop. If you didn't already guess it, it's simply practicing a vegan diet in January. In this brief, you’ll learn all you need to know about Veganuary and perhaps even adopt the lifestyle yourself.

By Cookist

There is no better month or time to start that vegan diet than in January, the month where many people create their annual decrees. These days, internet folk call it veganuary, a term coined from a UK-based nonprofit agency of the same name. It was launched in 2014 with a mission to guide people to adopt only plant foods for the whole month of January.

In the years that followed, many have taken up the habit. Just in 2019, more than 1.3 million people committed to Veganuary. The practice itself is no big deal even if you haven’t always been a vegan.

Still, if you’re not accustomed to shunning meat. Eggs and other dairy products, you may need a little help as you venture into Veganuary. Below are answers from experts to some frequently asked questions about Veganuary.

1.Does a vegan diet contain all the essential nutrients I need?


According to the American Vegan Society, Vegans can choose from a wide range of varieties including legumes, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and seeds when preparing meals.

Despite that, it is a little difficult to get all the needed nutrients from the above mentioned categories . McKenzie Flinchum, a Florida-based nutritionist and certified personal trainer said:  "The biggest nutrient deficiency concern with veganism is vitamin B12, which is found in animal foods.”

The best way to deal with this is to take fortified vegan products or take a supplement because a deficiency in B2 can lead to anemia. Other nutrients that should be closely monitored while on a vegan diet include; Vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, iodine, and iron.

2.Will I lose weight if I try Veganuary?


Veganuary’s aim is not to help you achieve weight loss. It started out as a way for people with like minds to protect their environment, prevent animal cruelty and improve health. Still, it is very possible to lose weight as a result of the practice if you don’t carefully monitor your food intake.

Flinchum believes that it is best to focus on what you can add to your dish instead of getting rid of animal food. She also urges every vegan to always put nutrients first.

She said: "This is a way to ensure that calorie needs are met."

3.How can I be certain I’m not eating animal products?


The American Vegan Society says that vegans do not eat meat, fish, birds, cow’s or goat milk, eggs, honey, or foods derived from animal products.

While this may sound challenging for a former carnivore, we guarantee there are many more better food experiences to try as a vegan. You can eat any fruits, vegetables, beans, tofu, tempeh, nuts, seeds, and whole grains

If you have to eat pre-packaged food, the first thing you need to do is check the ingredients list to make sure nothing related to animals was used in its making.

Real vegan foods are packaged and labeled with a suitable for vegans or certified vegan logo and if any dairy products were used, it is sure to be listed under its allergen list.

4. What happens if I slip up?


There is no need to punish yourself if you find yourself eating animal produce knowingly or unknowingly. Things like this happen all the time so nobody needs to be blamed for them. Everyone knows going vegan is very scary at the beginning but there are hacks that can make it easier to stay committed.

Buy pre-cut vegetables if you wish to save time cooking and when you go out, take some vegan snacks with you for when the hunger pangs begin.

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