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Here’s Everything You Need To Know Before Buying Nipplefruit

There are many kinds of fruits in the world and one of the peculiar ones is the nipplefruit which looks exactly like its name. Keep reading to know more about this oddly shaped fruit.


Nipplefruits have a round to oblong shape with several small, oval protrusions at the base of the fruit which makes it look like a cow’s udder.

The nipplefruit averages 3-4 centimeters in diameter and 4-7 centimeters in length with a very smooth, waxy, skin. It has a bright orange to gold colouration when mature but the flesh is white and it contains many small, red-brown seeds.

The fruit grows on a thorny shrub that can be identified by its large, fuzzy leaves which have purple veins and prominent spikes.

The nipplefruit is available all year but it is most abundant during fall.

Can You Eat The Nipplefruit?


No. The nipplefruit is inedible and poisonous even though it belongs to the Solanaceae, or nightshade family along with potatoes, eggplant, and tomatoes.

This fruit is mostly grown to be used as ornaments. It is used in a floral arrangement to symbolize good luck and prosperity in Asian cultures.

Aside from being a symbol of good fortune, Nipplefruit is also used medicinally across the world.

In Belize, it is used topically to soothe skin irritations such as athlete's foot, while those in the Philippines use it to treat coughs and loss of appetite.

In Malaysia, the sap from the leaves is drunk to reduce the effects of fever.

Nipplefruit is native to South America but today, it can be found in local markets in South America, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and Asia.

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