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Here’s How To Load Your Dishwasher The Right Way

Many people have that nostalgic memory of loading the dishwashers as kids and getting some flack from an older, more knowledgeable sibling. Some may have even gotten into trouble for loading the dishwasher wrongly, and this is because there is a method to the madness. Keep reading to find out.

By Cookist

There are a lot of wrong ways to load a dishwasher. It could range from common mistakes like placing the dishes incorrectly, blocking the cleaning jets, or adding too much detergent. All of these can create even more work as you may have to wash the plates again.

Below are some tips you can use to avoid things like that from happening:

1.Put the right dish in the right place


This is the most basic rule of dishwashing. To observe it, place the heavier dishes at the bottom while leaving the small, lighter ones at the top. This makes sense because virtually every dishwasher gets heated from its bottom drain plates, meaning that those places get the most heat.

Placing lighter things there, like plastics, may cause them to melt, so they belong up top where the temperature is more tolerable. Other things that don’t seem equipped for hot temperatures should not be placed at the bottom.

2.Watch the jets

The dishwasher uses a system of powerful jets to clean your plates. If they are blocked, that whole section will remain as it is. It is advisable to locate the location of your dishwasher’s jets so it will be easier to avoid blocking them. When loading large items, be cautious and ensure they are not blocking the jets.

3.The utensils should be upright


When you load your cutleries, load them the right side up instead of burying them in the silver basket. This will allow the food residues on them to get exposed to the jets. Larger utensils like spatulas can be placed up top but ensure you do it in a way that will prevent them from collecting moisture.

4.No kitchen knives:

Kitchen knives or santoku knives should not be put in a dishwasher. They must be hand-washed instead because the dishwasher's dry circles can dull their blades. Steak knives can go in but be sure to keep their tips facing down for safety reasons. There may also be some dulling.

5.Reduce the amount of detergent used


Using too much detergent is a common mistake many people make when loading the dishwasher. When you feel the urge to fill the small detergent dispenser to the brim, staunch it, because the ratio of detergent to water being too high will cause your dishes to come out with film all over them. It is easier to operate when you fill the detergent dispenser just one-third of the way or less.

6.Never use a close-to-empty dishwasher

This just wastes water and power and is a terrible idea because since there is a lot of space, the jets can cause your plates to bang together which may lead to chipping and sometimes shattering. It is also easier to use too much detergent for lighter loads so if you have such a load it is best to hand wash them.

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