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Here’s How To Remove Limescale From Your Kettle

Limescale is simply a buildup of hard water and you can agree that they compromise the efficiency of your kettle. Read ahead to discover effective ways to keep your kettle limescale-free and in top condition.These are straightforward and only require common household items.

By Cookist

Did you know that limescale buildup in kettles not only affects the taste of your hot beverages but also reduces the efficiency of the appliance over time? Fortunately, there are 5 simple and effective ways to tackle this common problem. Below, we explore various household tems and how you can use them to remove limescale buildup from your kettle.

5 Simple Ways to Remove Limescale 


1. Vinegar Solution

One of the most popular ways to descale your kettle is using vinegar. Simply fill the kettle with equal parts water and white vinegar. Allow the solution to boil, then turn off the kettle and let it sit for at least an hour to loosen the limescale deposits. After soaking, empty the kettle and rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove any residual vinegar taste.

2. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is another natural remedy for removing limescale. All you need to do is squeeze the juice of one or two lemons into the kettle. Fill it up with water and bring to a boil. Afterward, let the lemon solution sit for about an hour before emptying and rinsing the kettle thoroughly.


3. Baking Soda 

Baking soda is powerhouse tool when it comes to cleaning and its use extends to descaling limestone. To use, make a thick and smooth paste by mixing the baking soda with a small amount of water. Apply the paste directly to the areas affected by limescale buildup, then let it sit for about 30 minutes. Use a soft brush or sponge to scrub the limescale deposits gently, then give the kettle a good rinse.

4. Citric Acid

Citric acid is a powerful descaler that can efficiently dissolve limescale without leaving behind any residue. Mix a tablespoon of citric acid with water and pour it into the kettle. Boil the solution and let it sit for a few hours or overnight to allow the citric acid work its magic. Empty the kettle and rinse before using it again.


5. Commercial Descaling Products

If you prefer a ready-made solution over any of the household items mentioned above, consider using commercial descaling products. However, ensure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure safe and effective descaling of your kettle.

How to Slow Limescale Buildup in Your Kettle 


While limescale buildup is the easiest way to ruin the quality of your kettle, poor maintenance is also a contributing factor. Here are simple things you can do to prolong the lifespan of your kettle and lower the rate of limescale buildup:

  • Clean your kettle regularly with soapy water to prevent limescale buildup.
  • Consider filtering your water to reduce mineral content and extend time between descaling.
  • Don’t overfill your kettle. Only boil the necessary amount of water to prevent spills and hard water buildup.
  • Empty your kettle after each use. This can effectively prevent limescale from hardening.
  • Clean hard-to-reach areas like the spout and lid regularly.Replace your kettle filter frequently. Remember to follow manufacturer recommendations.
  • Store your kettle in a dry, ventilated area and avoid leaving water in it.


With the simple methods above, you can successfully remove limescale buildup from your kettle and increase its lifespan. Whether you prefer natural home remedies like vinegar and lemon juice or opt for commercial descaling products, regular maintenance will ensure that your kettle remains clean and efficient for years to come.

Now you can enjoy a perfectly brewed cup of tea or coffee every time!

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