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Here’s why you have to wash the avocados before eating them and how to do it the right way

It is better to wash it well before eating it; let’s see why it could endanger your health if not carefully washed.

By Cookist

Do you love avocado and is it now part of your diet? It is better to wash it well before eating it; let’s see why it could endanger your health if not carefully washed.

Avocado is one of the most beloved fruits of recent times, it is creamy, tasty, nutritious and suitable to every type of meal. Although there are many people who use it regularly in the kitchen, not everyone knows that it must be washed accurately before being used to make certain recipes more delicious. The risk you face when you don't do it? The foods consumed could be contaminated by bacteria.


What to do before eating an avocado?


According to a report by the Food and Drug Administration, the American government agency that deals with regulating food and pharmaceutical products, the avocado must be washed thoroughly before being consumed. The reason is very simple, its peel is full of dirt and bacteria, which in some cases also contaminate the pulp, especially when this is eaten without having first washed the outer part of the fruit.


Among the most dangerous germs there would be the Listeria monocytogenes and the salmonella, present on the peels of an avocado out of five, capable of having dramatic effects on health. To promote the proliferation of bacteria would be the large number of people who touch these fruits with their bare hands to see if they are ripened enough.


To avoid unnecessary risks it is therefore necessary to wash the avocado well, remove all the peel and then consume it. Furthermore, once opened, it must be consumed as soon as possible and preserved very well. At this point, you can indulge in the kitchen with the most varied recipes based on this exotic fruit beloved also by Princess Meghan Markle

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