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Here’s Why You Should Never Add a Lemon to Your Drinks

Adding lemon slices to drinks can pose health risks due to bacteria, pesticides, and enamel erosion. Though lemons enhance flavor, considering these potential downsides is crucial. Opt for thorough washing or seek alternative garnishes for safety and enjoyment.

By Cookist

Lemon garnishes have long adorned the rims of glasses and floated in the depths of beverages, adding a touch of zest and visual appeal. It's not uncommon to request a slice of lemon in bars and restaurants to spruce up a glass of water or to complement the flavors of a cocktail. However, despite their ubiquity and the refreshing twist they provide, there are compelling reasons to reconsider the ritual of adding lemon slices to your drinks, both in public settings and within the comfort of your home.

The Hidden Downsides of Lemon Garnishes in Bars and Restaurants

The primary concern with lemon slices, particularly in bars and restaurants, revolves around hygiene. Studies have shown that lemons served in public establishments can carry a myriad of bacteria and viruses, attributed to being handled with unwashed hands or being exposed to contaminated surfaces before making their way into your glass. This unsettling reality can pose health risks, potentially leading to illness.


So Can You Add Lemons in Your Drinks at Home?

Moreover, the practice of adding lemon to drinks at home isn't without its pitfalls. Lemons, like many other fruits, are treated with pesticides and chemicals during the growing process. If not thoroughly washed, these substances can leach into your drink, introducing unwanted chemicals into your body. Additionally, the acidity of lemons can be detrimental to dental health, as it can erode tooth enamel over time, making teeth more susceptible to decay and sensitivity.

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