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Here’s Why You Should Not Cut Off The Ends Of Your Strawberry

Strawberries are great fruits that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. But are you certain you are getting the most out of the heart-shaped berries? Keep reading to make sure you are.

By Cookist

Strawberries are fleshy delicious fruits with a number of health benefits. Most people use all parts of the fruit however there are some who toss away the tips.

You may think this action is hygienic but what if we told you that those tips don’t belong in the trash?

Why You Should Not Throw Away Strawberry Tips


The tips are the sweetest part of the strawberry. This is because of the effect of gravity on the fruit. As the ripening fruit hangs, gravity pulls naturally occurring sugars within it down into the tip. As such the tip is the sweetest part of the strawberry. Throwing them out means missing out on such a tasty part.

How To Cut A Strawberry


Strawberries should be sliced from top to bottom regardless of when you wish to consume them. They should be cut from cap to tip so each slice has a little bit of fruity goodness. This way, you'll never have to toss any of the fleshy bits of your strawberries to waste.

Whether you're enjoying them fresh as is or blending into a smoothie or making a fruit salad, you can now enjoy every bit of the fleshy fruit. And remember, the strawberry tops don't have to go to waste either — yes, they are edible too!


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