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Homemade pizza: the best you’ll ever eat!

4 fantastic and tasty recipes to make pizza at home!

By Cookist

Quick and easy to make. Prepare these amazing pizza recipes an appetizer, a quick lunch or for dinner.


Here's the recipes:

– Pizza Donuts


300ml Water at room temperature.

1 Tbsp Tomato Puree



7g Yeast

2 Tsp Sugar

2 Tsp Ground Oregano

5g Salt

Oil for frying

For the Topping

100ml Tomato Salsa

20g Parmesan Cheese

10 Shredded Basil Leaves


Mix together the water and tomato puree.

Place the flour, yeast, sugar, and oregano into a bowl and mix.

Add 1/3rd of the water and puree mix and stir to combine.

Throw in the salt and then stir.

Add the remaining water puree and bring this together.

Now using your hands bring the dough together to form a dough in the bowl.

Tip out onto a work surface and knead for 10 minutes for forma smooth dough.

Return to the bowl and cover with cling film and allow to rise for 2 hours.

Knock back and then roll out on a floured work surface.

Create ring donut shapes by using a 10cm and 5 cm cookie dough cutter, this recipe should make 6 donuts.

Place on a baking tray and allow to prove for 30 minutes.

Heat your oil to 170°C 340°F.

Cook until golden brown and cooked through this should take 5-7 minutes.

Top with tomato salsa, parmesan cheese and shredded basil leaves.

– Tortilla pizza


flour tortillas

tomato sauce


mozzarella cheese

olive oil

Parmesan cheese



1. Place a flour tortilla in a pan. Spread the tomato sauce over it.

2. Sprinkle with salt, oregano, add the mozzarella cheese and drizzle with olive oil.

3. Let it cook for 5 minutes with a lid, or until the mozzarella melts.

4. Top with some basil and serve.

– Pizza pan 


40ml water

olive oil

400g flour

270g Greek yogurt

1 packet of instant yeast


tomato puree



olive oil


1. Combine the water, oil, and yogurt. Gradually mix in the flour, salt, and yeast.

2. Let the dough rest for about 10 minutes.

3. Divide it into three parts and roll them out.

4. Let the dough cook in an oiled pan for 3 minutes on each side.

5. Add the tomato puree, basil, cheese and olive oil.

6. Cook for 5 minutes with a lid and serve.

– Mini pizzas


for the dough:

100ml water

150ml milk

500g flour

40ml oil

20g brewer’s yeast


1 tsp sugar

for the topping:

tomato puree

black olives





1. Let the yeast dissolve in the water. Gradually add the flour, sugar, and salt last. Mix everything together well and let it rise for two hours.

2. Divide the dough into 9/10 balls.

3. Flatten them using a glass and top with anything you like.

4. Bake them at 190°C for about 15 minutes in a fan-assisted oven. If you are using a conventional oven then we suggest letting them bake for 25/30 minutes.

5. Serve the mini pizzas hot!

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