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How to check spoilage of meat: 5 easy methods

In the past, there have been many episodes of bacterial food poisoning because of the meat spoilage.

By Cookist

In the past, there have been many episodes of bacterial food poisoning because of the meat spoilage. It is widely advised to cook the meats thoroughly to kill all the harmful microorganisms lurking in meats. Read on to know how to check if the meats have turned bad.

Food borne illness is one of the serious issues of the modern day world. Even after many technological advancements, no one can be 100% sure about the bacterial contamination of meats.  The wisest choice would be to avoid consuming undercooked ground beef, unpasteurized milk, sprouts, juice, and soft cheese.

Here are some easy ways to identify bacterial spoilage of meat before you eat it and check if the raw meat has been spoiled.

Check foul smell. Sniff the meat well before using it as the bacteria break down the meat, which results in a change of odor. The pungency of the putrid smell increases as the level of spoilage escalates. However, if the meat is placed or stored next to some naturally pungent foods such as onion, even then the meat exudes pungent smell.


Check the meat closely. You must check for any kind of physical change or spoilage over meats such as mold growth. Mold can grow superficially or could be deep rooted over the raw meats. This mold growth contains toxins and poisonous substances, which makes the meat unfit for consumption.


Touch the meats to check. Meats with slimy and squishy texture are definitely not safe to eat. So, check the meat texture both physically and visually to access if it is safe to eat.


Observe the effect of meat after consumption. Any sign of bloating, nausea, gas, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps immediately after meat consumption are suggestive of sketchy quality of meats. Food poisoning can be even life threatening and you must immediately report to the physician or gastroenterologist about the abnormal changes experienced after meat consumption.


Read the packaging labels thoroughly. It is imperative to read the expiry and manufacturing date of all the packaged produce. Do not buy any meat food items without proper labeling. In case you are buying freshly cut meats such as pork, veal, lamb, and beef freeze them well and use within 3 to 5 days from the date of purchase. The ground meat, turkey, ground poultry, chicken, shellfish, and raw fish should be stored in the deep freezer and used within a day or two of purchase.

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