How to Clean With Salt: 3 DIY and Cost-Effective Tricks to Clean Using Salt!

Salt isn't just for seasoning food; it’s a powerful, natural cleaner. Coarse salt’s abrasive texture and antiseptic properties make it ideal for cleaning. Use salt bags with lemon oil to freshen drawers, a mix of salt and baking soda with vinegar to clear drains, and salt with lemon to revive cutting boards. Embrace salt for an effective, eco-friendly cleaning solution.

By Cookist

Salt is undoubtedly the perfect natural seasoner, enhancing the flavors of a myriad of dishes, from savory to sweet. Think about the salty crunch on roasted vegetables or the subtle boost it gives to chocolate desserts. Yet, the wonders of salt stretch far beyond the culinary world. Did you know you can also clean using salt? Here are three cost-effective, DIY methods to clean using salt, showcasing its incredible versatility.

Which Salt is Best for Cleaning and Why?

When it comes to cleaning, coarse salt is the preferred choice. Its abrasive texture makes it an excellent scrubbing agent, capable of removing stubborn stains and grime. Additionally, salt's natural antiseptic properties can help eliminate bacteria, making it a great option for sanitizing surfaces. The coarse grains work to physically dislodge dirt and residues, while the natural properties of salt combat bacteria, providing a thorough and effective clean.

#1: How to Freshen Up Your Drawers With Salt


One simple yet effective way to use salt for cleaning is by making salt bags to freshen up your drawers. Begin by mixing coarse salt with a few drops of lemon essential oil in a bowl. The coarse salt acts as a natural deodorizer, while the lemon essential oil adds a refreshing scent. Once mixed, fill several small bags with this fragrant salt mixture and place them in your drawers. These salt bags will help absorb moisture and odors, keeping your clothes smelling fresh and clean. Plus, the pleasant aroma of lemon adds an extra touch of cleanliness to your storage spaces.

#2: How to Clean the Kitchen Drain Using Salt


Clogged drains can be a hassle, but a simple mixture of salt and baking soda can work wonders. Start by mixing 40 grams (¼ cup) of baking soda with 70 grams (¼ cup) of salt. Pour this mixture down the drain, followed by 120 milliliters (½ cup) of white vinegar. The combination of salt and baking soda creates a fizzy reaction with the vinegar, helping to break down any blockages. Let this sit for about 15 minutes to work its magic. Finally, rinse the drain with boiling water to clear away any remaining debris. This natural drain cleaner is not only effective but also free from harsh chemicals, making it an environmentally friendly option.

#3: How to Revive Your Cutting Boards With Salt


Cutting boards can harbor stains and bacteria, but with the help of salt and lemon, you can easily restore them to their former glory. Begin by cutting a lemon in half. Sprinkle coarse salt over the dirty cutting board, then use the lemon half to scrub the surface thoroughly. The abrasive salt and the acidic lemon work together to lift stains and sanitize the board. Once the stains are removed, rinse the board with water and let it dry completely. For an extra touch of care, apply a thin layer of coconut oil to the board. This will help condition the wood, keeping it in good shape and extending its lifespan.

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