How to Make Fresh Juice at Home: the Easy Method Everyone Can Use for Homemade Fruit Juice!

Making your own fruit juice is healthier and allows control over ingredients, avoiding additives. This guide explains how to prepare apricot juice at home, from boiling fruits to bottling. It also suggests creative fruit combinations and offers tips for making juice without a juicer. Perfect for a refreshing spring drink!

By Cookist

As spring unfurls its vibrant colors and warm breezes, the craving for refreshing drinks like fruit juice intensifies. However, store-bought juices often contain chemical sugars and additives that aren't beneficial for health. The best solution? Make your own fruit juice at home! It's a healthier, simple, and quick process, and you'll be sipping a delightful, fresh concoction in no time.

The Benefits of Homemade Fruit Juice

Making your own fruit juice means you control what goes into your drink—no unwanted sugars or preservatives, just pure, natural goodness. This process not only ensures you're consuming nutrients without harmful additives but also allows you to experiment with flavors and tailor your beverages to your taste. Plus, it's surprisingly quick and easy, making it a fun activity to enjoy with kids who'll love watching fruits transform into their favorite drinks.

How to Make Fruit Juice at Home: a Step-By-Step Guide


Here's a simple method to make apricot juice, which you can adapt using other fruits if you prefer. Let's begin with what you need:

  • 2 kg of apricots
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 700g (approximately 3.5 cups) of sugar
  • Juice of 1 lemon

The Step-By-Step Method

  1. Start by thoroughly washing the apricots. Cut them into small pieces, discarding the stones.
  2. In a large saucepan, combine the water and sugar. Heat over medium heat, stirring until the sugar completely dissolves. Add the chopped apricots and the juice of one lemon to the saucepan.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 10 minutes.
  4. Allow the mixture to cool down a bit. Once it's safe to handle, blend it using a blender or a food processor until smooth.
  5. Pour the juice into glass bottles. To preserve the juice longer, boil the filled and sealed bottles for 10 minutes. This can help your juice stay fresh for up to a month.

Some Fruit Combinations You Can Try

You can get creative with fruit combinations to find your favorite flavors. Here are a few delightful pairs to get you started:

  • Peach and Ginger: Adds a spicy zing to the sweet, mellow peach.
  • Strawberry and Basil: An aromatic, refreshing twist on classic strawberry juice.
  • Mango and Lime: Tropical mango with a dash of lime for a citrus kick.

If you don’t have a juicer, don't worry! You can still make juice using a blender. Follow the same steps above but strain the blended mixture through a fine sieve or cheesecloth to remove the pulp, resulting in smooth, delicious juice.

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