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How To Make Yeast at Home: The Best Yeast For Baking Bread

Combined together, lemon and baking soda will begin to "fizz", a completely natural chemical process that allows the dough to rise during cooking.

By Cookist

Homemade yeast for desserts is an excellent alternative to industrial and powdered yeast you can buy in supermarkets. It is a natural yeast, perfect for desserts, biscuits, cakes and pies, but also for some savory dough. Preparing it at home is very simple because you will just need two ingredients and you will surely have them at home: baking soda and lemon juice. Combined together, lemon and baking soda will begin to "fizz", a completely natural chemical process that allows the dough to rise during cooking.

Homemade yeast for desserts is an excellent alternative to industrial and powdered yeast you can buy in supermarkets. It is a natural yeast, perfect for desserts, biscuits, cakes and pies, but also for some savory dough. Preparing it at home is very simple because you will just need two ingredients and you will surely have them at home: baking soda and lemon juice. Combined together, lemon and baking soda will begin to "fizz", a completely natural chemical process that allows the dough to rise during cooking.

Homemade yeast is simple to prepare and very cheap. It is also suitable for those with yeast intolerances. It only takes a few seconds, but this kind of yeast cannot be preserved, because it would lose its leavening action. Prepare it a few minutes before adding it to your preparation and pour it as soon as it starts to fizz. So let's see how to make homemade yeast for desserts in a few simple steps.


Lemon juice (1 whole)

Baking soda (1 teaspoon)

How to prepare homemade yeast for desserts

Wash and cut a juicy lemon in half. In a small bowl, squeeze the juice of both halves and help yourself with a strainer to retain the pulp as much as possible. Alternatively, use a juicer.


Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in lemon and mix until it starts to fizz.


Pour it immediately into the dough you want to rise when it is still sparkling. Remember to add it as a last ingredient.


To regulate yourself with the doses of homemade yeast, consider that the quantity used for this recipe corresponds to about 1 sachet of traditional baking powder.

You can replace lemon juice with half orange juice, or with 4 tablespoons of apple vinegar, or of white wine. The advice is to prefer the lemon juice if you are preparing a dessert, and apple vinegar for savory recipes (but also for chocolate or cocoa preparations). The aftertaste will not be felt at all.

You can use your homemade yeast for all sweet recipes, but also for savory recipes that need instant yeast. These are doughs that do not need hours of rest, but which rise directly in the oven or in any case during cooking.


Homemade yeast cannot be preserved because it would lose its leavening action. Prepare the mixture during your preparation, then for an optimal result pour it into the dough as soon as it is ready.

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