How to Make Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs: the Time Chart Explaining How Long You Should Cook Them For!

Boiling eggs perfectly involves starting with room-temp eggs, adding them to boiling water, and cooking for 6-12 mins for desired yolk consistency. Times vary: soft at 6 mins, medium at 8-9, and hard at 12. Precise boiling is key for the perfect egg texture.

By Cookist

Eggs, with their humble exterior, boast an impressive culinary versatility, making them a staple in dishes from breakfast to dinner and everything in between. Their ability to transform from a liquid to a plethora of textures, all while encased in a shell, is nothing short of magical. Achieving the perfect boiled egg, however, is an art that requires precision—a balance of time and temperature to suit your taste, whether it’s for a velvety soft-boiled egg or a firm hard-boiled one.

How Do You Boil Eggs Perfectly?

Perfecting your egg boiling technique begins with a simple yet specific process. Here’s an enhanced guide to ensure you get it right every time.

Start with eggs at room temperature to promote even cooking. If you need to warm up refrigerated eggs quickly, place them in a pot of warm water for about 10-15 minutes to gently bring them to room temperature and prevent them from cracking when boiled. Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil, then slightly reduce the heat to keep a steady but gentle boil. This prevents the eggs from moving too vigorously and cracking. Gently lower the eggs into the water. The cooking time can vary from 6 to 12 minutes, depending on how cooked you prefer the yolks to be.

The Trick to Perfect Hard-Boiled Eggs

Achieving flawless hard-boiled eggs starts with adding the eggs to already boiling water. This method ensures a consistent start temperature, making the eggs easier to peel and reducing the chance of overcooked whites or undercooked yolks. By controlling the cooking environment from the get-go, you fine-tune the egg’s texture to your preference.

How Long Should an Egg Be Boiled?


The duration of boiling an egg significantly affects its texture, from the white to the yolk. Below is an expanded guide on boiling times for achieving different yolk consistencies:

  • 6 minutes: Perfect for soft-boiled eggs with just-set whites and creamy, runny yolks.
  • 7 minutes: Provides a slightly firmer yolk than at 6 minutes, with a bit more structure but still soft and slightly flowing.
  • 8 minutes: Medium-boiled eggs with yolks that are mostly set but with a bit of creaminess in the middle.
  • 9 minutes: The yolks are firmer and more set compared to 8 minutes, with a consistency that's perfect for those who enjoy their yolks just a little runny.
  • 10 minutes: At this point, the yolks are mostly solid with a hint of moistness, ideal for egg salads where you want a bit of creaminess without any runniness.
  • 11 minutes: Yolks are almost completely hard-boiled but may retain a tiny bit of softness in the very center, offering a perfect balance for those who dislike the dryness of fully cooked yolks.
  • 12 minutes: Results in fully hard-boiled eggs with firm yolks and whites, suitable for slicing without any mess or for making deviled eggs.

Keep in mind that these times are approximate and can vary based on factors like egg size, altitude, and the initial temperature of the water. Experimenting within these time frames will help you find your ideal texture for different dishes.

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