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How to polish marble by hand

Marble has always been one of the most appreciated materials in homes, both for its resistance and its priceless elegance. Whether it is entire floors, or the most varied shelves, this solution maintains its charm over the decades.

By Cookist

Marble has always been one of the most appreciated materials in homes, both for its resistance and its priceless elegance. Whether it is entire floors, or the most varied shelves, this solution maintains its charm over the decades. Yet it is not always easy to provide for its maintenance, especially the polishing phase: how, for example, to obtain a brilliant and reflective marble without the aid of special appliances or chemical detergents?

Before starting, it is good to specify how each type of marble requires specific care, to be agreed with the manufacturer. Moreover, if you resort to natural remedies, it is always mandatory to test its effectiveness on a hidden area of the surface to be treated, to verify the compound is not aggressive, therefore harmful. Here are some useful tips.

Marble: cleaning


The polishing phase of marble can not disregard, as it is easy to understand, from a previous and deep cleaning. There are many products on the market to effectively clean this material, many of them even at low prices. However, it is also possible to resort to solutions already present in abundance inside our house, for a quick, environmentally friendly and with a very limited effort procedure.

Although it is a resistant material in its structure, we must consider how the surface of the marble can be moderately sensitive to the action of detergents, as a result it could show stains or unpleasant fading. It is therefore necessary to choose the right natural remedies, however performing safety tests. To clean the marble thoroughly, it is first necessary to proceed with the removal of dust, preferring a soft antistatic cloth, for example a microfiber cloth. All debris will remain trapped in the fabric, removing any trace from the plane you intend to clean.


At this point, you can use lukewarm water in which a couple of tablespoons of mild Marseilles soap have been dissolved, always soaking a soft cloth and gently wiping it over the surface. This operation should be followed by a rinsing phase, to prevent the soap from making the marble sticky, using a simple cloth dampened in cool or lukewarm water.

Marble: hand polishing

Most of the marble surfaces inside the houses are now polished using special appliances, as well as using products – such as creams or waxes – designed specifically to brighten the material without damaging it. For this reason, it is always good to contact the manufacturer to find out what is the best solution for the variety of marble in your house.

In any case there are many natural methods, many of which come from the popular tradition, which can represent valid substitutes, always verifying the resistance of the plan on a hidden part of it. The first is represented by the classic woolen cloth, for example by recycling an old sweater, slightly soaked in lukewarm water. It is then rubbed onto the surface, even with a certain amount of energy but without too much exaggeration, by making circular movements. However, it is necessary to always keep the same direction, towards right or left.


A very economical remedy is always represented by the Marseille soap, since it removes residues and patinas, remaining however very delicate. It is sufficient to create a light cream by dissolving flakes in water and then, using a soft sponge, always pass it on the surface in circular movements. The detergent residues are then removed by rinsing with lukewarm water. Alternatively, some use sodium bicarbonate instead of soap, due to its absorbent and polishing properties, but much depends on the quality of the marble at its disposal. Therefore, be always careful.

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