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How to remove limestone from pots, pans and kitchen utensils: 5 infallible methods

We have identified 5 infallible methods, all at very low cost, simple and ecological: your forks will shine like never before, try it to believe it.


Do you often find annoying limestone spots on your pots and don't know how to get rid of them? Don't worry, removing limestone from pots, pans and dishes is much simpler than you think and chemicals are not always needed. The formation of limestone does not mean dirt at all: it is in fact caused by the contact of the dishes with running water to which the limestone is added to sanitize it. The best way to prevent limescale build-up is to clean the pots and pans with consistency and regularity: but in this way keeping your kitchen utensils clean could become expensive. To eliminate limestone, there are many products that often make us underestimate the natural remedies, which are decidedly cheaper and less polluting. We have identified 5 infallible methods, all at very low cost, simple and ecological: your forks will shine like never before, try it to believe it.

How to remove limestone from pots, pans and kitchen utensils

The natural, inexpensive and simple remedies to make your dishes shine and easily eliminate those annoying limestone stains found on pots, pans, kettles and cutlery.

1. Wine vinegar


White wine vinegar is undoubtedly the best and most effective method of removing limestone from pots and pans, especially if you are looking for an ecological solution. Fill the pot you want to clean with hot water and vinegar: bring the mixture to a boil, turn off the heat and let it rest for two hours. You can clean the pot and cutlery at the same time, leaving them in the boiling liquid. After the time necessary to dissolve the limestone, empty the pot and wipe a dry kitchen cloth inside: with the same operation you can also polish the cutlery.

2. Baking soda

A precious ally for those who prefer to clean and sanitize their home and kitchen in a natural way, baking soda can also be used for limestone stains. Prepare a mixture by dissolving two tablespoons of baking soda in half a liter of warm water, dip a sponge or a kitchen cloth in the solution and rub the surface or the dishes you want to decalcify. If the incrustations are particularly resistant you can also use a wire gauze, but be careful not to use it on non-stick pans, you could ruin them. For a complete cleaning of your kitchen, put your mixture of water and baking soda in a sprayer and use it to degrease the hob or sink, let it act for 10 minutes and pass a cloth to dry and thus remove any residue.

3. Lemon


We know that the benefits of lemon are infinite but perhaps not everyone knows that its natural acidity allows to dissolve those annoying opaque specks that are formed in the pots after having used them for our recipes. You can use lemon in two ways: in the case of limestone that is not very "resistant", simply cut it in half and rub it inside the pot you want to peel and then dab it with a cloth; or, for the most difficult to remove limestone deposits, you can fill the pot with water and lemon juice, bring the mixture to a boil and leave for 2 to 3 hours before rinsing and drying.

4. Cucumber

You read that right, cucumber is not only good to eat but it is also excellent for cleaning and polishing pots and dishes: all you have to do is cut it and rub it on the stained surface. In a few minutes you will see limestone vanish: you just have to finish your cleaning by drying the dishes with a kitchen cloth.

5. Vinegar and baking soda


The strongest solution, for those limestone stains that you thought you could never get rid of, white wine vinegar and baking soda are the perfect combo. Fill a saucepan with water and wine vinegar in the same quantities and put it on the fire: as soon as it starts to boil, add two tablespoons of baking soda and let it melt completely; let it cool so as not to burn yourself and soak a sponge for the dishes with which to scour your pans.

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