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Is Adding Honey To Your Tea Toxic?

People enjoy putting honey in their tea for a variety of reasons, but is it really a good mix? Or is it a toxic match? Keep reading to find out.

By Cookist

Many people love honey in tea. It is a natural sweetener and can be a throat soother for the sick. But, as good as you may think it is, there are rumors that adding honey to your tea might be toxic.

It sounds preposterous, like saying that drinking water actually kills you, but there is a theory that backs the thought process up. The theory says heating up honey i.e. putting it in hot water, can possibly make it toxic.

Could this really be true?  Here’s what we found out.

Does Honey & Tea Belong Together?


Adding honey to tea is a popular thing to do. It is a well-known natural home remedy for when you’re sick and also acts as a natural sweetener. A far better alternative to sugar.

The truth is that honey adds to the benefits that tea already gives you, which makes them sort of like the perfect match. For those who just enjoy sweet things, you simply can’t go wrong with honey in your tea. It is all-natural and easier on the body.

Other Benefits Honey Has


Honey comes with some extra perks that go beyond just soothing a sore throat. But there is a catch. Getting these benefits depends on which honey you buy – raw or pasteurized.

To enjoy the added benefits of adding honey to your tea, go for raw honey. It possesses anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-ulcer, and anti-fungal properties.

Raw honey is the raw form of honey, which means it has not been through any post-processing. Sometimes it’s filtered, but that just means that they took out all the pieces. It is still as raw as they get.

So, Is Honey In Tea Toxic?

No, it is not. Nobody has been reported dead from it. However, we do know that honey in boiling water can affect the enzymes, reducing its benefits. Also, honey exposed to heat is just like pasteurized honey which has already been heat-treated to kill bacteria.

Yes, it might be less beneficial for you but it is in no way toxic. Also, since there is no research that suggests it can be less beneficial, it is best you take it with a grain of salt.

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