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Lemon: the reasons why consume the peel and how to preserve it

Most of the time the lemon peel is thrown away or used sporadically to flavor some desserts, in reality it would be excellent to consume as much as possible this fruit in its entirety, including the peel, to take advantage of all its potential.

By Cookist

Lemon is a fruit that we should use more often, in fact it provides numerous benefits and great versatility in the kitchen. We have suggested several times to start the day with a glass of warm water and lemon or to squeeze a few drops on green vegetables to better assimilate the iron. But do you know which great properties of the lemon are enclosed in the peel?

Most of the time the lemon peel is thrown away or used sporadically to flavor some desserts, in reality it would be excellent to consume as much as possible this fruit in its entirety, including the peel, to take advantage of all its potential. In the outer part of the lemon are in fact contained many vitamins, especially the C vitamin, as well as most of the fantastic aroma that distinguishes it.


The lemon zest, as well as containing up to 10 times more vitamins of the juice, contains many antioxidants, has antibacterial power, is anticancerogenic and also helps the body to eliminate toxins, it can therefore be considered in all respects a good natural detox remedy.

It is fundamental, however, that the lemon is not treated, otherwise the peel would contain pesticides and chemicals to be avoided. If you want to have always fresh fruit, you can choose to get a plant of untreated lemons to keep in the garden or even in pots on the balcony.


If instead you do not have the opportunity to often get fresh untreated lemons but still want to use them as much as possible in their entirety, avoiding waste, you can decide to wash them well and then freeze them as they are. Once you have taken out the lemon you can easily grate the rind on salads, cereals, pasta, sauces, ice cream, etc. and then consume the inside as you want once the lemon is at room temperature.


Alternatively, you can first grate the peel and then put it in the freezer in special containers or bags and take it out when needed.

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