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Make Your Kitchen Things Last Longer – 10 Maintenance Hacks

Whenever you make a considerable investment in high-quality kitchen tools or equipment, you want to make sure that they last as long as possible! Luckily, with a few easy guidelines, you can keep your knives, cutting boards, and skillets in tip top shape. Follow these 10 tips to make sure they last a long time!

By Cookist

Just made a new investment in brand-new kitchen tools or equipment? Then make sure to read here first!



Most knives these days are made from carbon-based steel, and there are a few ways you can take care of these type of knives. Make sure to wash them immediately after use and dry them with a cloth. Never leave them wet to air dry. And of course, you should make sure that they’re always kept sharp. Dull knives are not only difficult to work with, but they are also more dangerous than sharp ones.

Cutting boards


Wooden boards are a beautiful (and useful) addition to your kitchen. But not only do they often crack, they can also warp. To prevent this, you need to ‘feed’ your cutting boards with a food-safe oil at least once a month. Before you oil the board, first make sure it’s clean and completely dry. Apply the oil with a clean cloth and allow to dry overnight.

Kitchen sponges


It’s a well-known fact that a kitchen sponge is one of the dirtiest things in our home. It can harbor bacteria like Escherichia coli. These bacteria can make you terribly sick. Make sure you wash them regularly and also sanitize them. Zap them in the microwave for about two minutes to kill off all germs.

Cast iron skillet


If you take care of your cast iron skillet, it can last for a few generations. But some home cooks forego the seasoning step and are then dissatisfied with its service. If you want your skillet to keep for a long time, make sure to season it well before you use it. Avoid washing it with soap, rather scrub with water and coarse salt. Rinse with warm water and layer with afresh layer of oil.

Don’t use metal tools


Non-stick pans are super useful in the kitchen, but they are quite expensive. So you want to make sure that they last as long as possible. One of the ways you can do this, is to only use them over medium heat (never high). You should also use wooden spoons or rubber spatulas, and never any metal cooking utensils. Metal will scratch off the non-stick coating.

Avoid cooking spray


In an effort to do low-fat cooking, many home cooks use cooking spray instead of oil. But if you are using non-stick pans, this might not be the best option. Most cooking sprays contain lecithin, an emulsifier which can cause an unwanted buildup on the surface and eventually damage it. Rather use oil or butter instead.



A dishwasher is not a cheap kitchen appliance. So you want to keep it in good working order as long as you can. Make sure you clean the filter on a regular basis. Also clean the doors, and especially the seals – where gunk and dirt can easily accumulate. Use a rinse aid together with your cleaning pods.

Using the dishwasher


We all love to use the dishwasher, but sometimes being lazy will cost you more in the end. Many kitchen utensils are not suitable for the dishwasher, so always make sure that you read the labels first before washing. This rule usually stands for knives (they are safe to wash by hand anyway), crystal glasses (which can crack), and wooden boards (which can warp).

Coffee pot


Your expensive coffee machine or coffee pot might need a general descale every now and then, in order to prevent the buildup of limescale. Limescale comes from the minerals found in the tap water, and if you don’t descale, it can lead to a bad taste in your coffee and will also damage your coffee machine. You can easily descale with vinegar, making sure to rinse a few times to get rid of the vinegar smell.

Read the manual


This might be obvious, but you’d be surprised to know how many people actually skip the instruction manual. It goes without saying that in order to take care of your kitchen tools or equipment, you should follow the care instructions carefully. Only then will you know what to avoid, how to correctly use the item, and how to clean it.

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