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Pea milk: properties, how to prepare it at home and how to use it

Pea milk is a particularly protein-based drink that comes from the United States and that seems to be better than cow's milk. But let's find out more.

By Cookist

There are many alternative vegetable drinks in addiction to cow's milk and they can be obtained from seeds, cereals, dried fruits and legumes: the best known one is surely the one based on soy but, among the most particular ones, there is the one obtained from peas. Pea milk is a particularly protein-based drink that comes from the United States and that seems to be better than cow's milk. But let's find out more.

There are many alternative vegetable drinks in addition to cow's milk and they can be obtained from seeds, cereals, nuts and legumes: the best known one is surely the one based on soy but, among the most particular ones, there is the one obtained from peas. Pea milk is a particularly protein-based drink that comes from the United States and that seems to be better than cow's milk. But let's find out more about this original vegetable drink based on yellow peas: what are its properties and how to prepare it at home.

From where this vegetable drink comes from


In many supermarkets you can find a wide variety of vegetable drinks, from soy, rice, almond, to oats, coconut or hazelnuts. These are drinks suitable for those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, and for those who have decided to eliminate cow's milk from their diet due to lactose intolerance, and more. Pea milk has been produced by an American company, Ripple Foods, and it has been launched as a "miracle milk", but it is mainly a protein-based drink made from yellow peas: it stands out for its nutritional characteristics, its creamy consistency and its sweet and pleasant taste. This vegetable drink made with yellow peas is special also due its low environmental impact: starting from the fact that to produce 1liter of cow's milk you need 1000 liters of water, the creator of this drink, Adam Lowry, sought a valid substitute for cow's milk, producing pea milk, which would save 99% of water.

Beneficial properties of pea milk


The beneficial properties of this vegetable drink obviously derive from the main ingredient with which it is prepared: the dried peas, in the yellow variant. These are legumes rich in proteins and important nutrients, such as calcium, iron and potassium, as well as vitamin D. Pea milk is an excellent source of vegetable protein: it has a protein content that is close to that of cow's milk, that is about 8 grams per 250 ml of product. Pea milk has also a high satiating power, so it can be consumed as a snack to help those who are following a diet to control weight and blood sugar. This is also thanks to the low content of carbohydrates, which keeps any glycemic peaks under control, therefore pea milk is also perfect against diabetes.

The pea-based vegetable drink is also gluten-free and it is also perfect for cow's milk intolerance, which affects many people. Therefore, pea milk is very good for those looking for an alternative to cow’s milk and dairy products, to prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms such as abdominal bloating, gas formation and diarrhea. Pea milk contains fewer calories than cow's milk, about 70 per cup, and it is even more digestible. Moreover, thanks to its creamy consistency and taste, it is also more likable than other vegetable drinks, which are often not very appreciated.

How to prepare pea milk at home and how to use it


You can prepare this original vegetable drink based on yellow peas even at home: also because the milk produced by Ripple is not sold everywhere. The preparation is quite simple: you will need 340 grams of organic raw dry peas, and it is better if you buy the yellow ones, and 950 ml of water. Rinse well the peas under running water and boil them on a low heat for about an hour or until they have softened. Then put the peas in the blender, add 850 ml of water and blend until the desired consistency is obtained. The pea milk will be white and creamy: if you want to make it more liquid, filter it with a cotton cloth. If you want to sweeten pea milk, add two dates in the blender, along with peas and water, before blending them.

Once ready, how can you use pea milk? In addition to drinking it as a normal vegetable drink, you can consume it on breakfast with some cereals, or you can use it for smoothies or you can add it to coffee. Pea milk can also be a substitute for cow's milk, and you can use it for desserts, as well as for condiments or sauces.

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